View Full Version : Is this adoption right for her

Jul 15, 2009, 08:42 AM
I want my daughters birth father to sign over his rights so my husband can adopt her. She has no idea who her birth father is. My question is should I make this move and will it be healthy for my daughter in the long run.

Jul 15, 2009, 09:34 AM
Okay, you're looking at a lot of REALLY weird stuff here.

So grampa is daddy, but gramma is only gramma?

Sounds confusing to a child, period.

Better to wait until your daughter marries, then have HER husband adopt.

Psst... unless she was raped, she's lying. She has a VERY good idea who the father was, she just needs verification via DNA testing of ALL possible fathers---and she should have this done so she can collect child support.

Jul 15, 2009, 09:48 AM
I got that she was talking about her own daughter and her daughter being adopted by the mothers husband(who may have come into the picture later on),not her daughters child. Maybe not ?

Jul 15, 2009, 10:55 AM
Ahhh... I totally misread that. I thought it was the grandmother of a baby asking if the grandfather of a baby could adopt the child of his child. No wonder I was confused.

You need to contact the birthfather and ask if he will voluntarily relinquish his rights. If so, then you all go to court, he signs away his parental rights, and your husband adopts.

I suggest contacting a lawyer to make sure the paperwork is COMPLETELY done correctly.