View Full Version : Cutting

Oct 15, 2006, 10:41 PM
Im a 13 year old girl.
Every time I get sad, I take a razor, and I cut myself.
I want to stop.
But I don't know how.
What should I do?

Oct 15, 2006, 10:47 PM
Seek professional help now.

Oct 15, 2006, 10:48 PM
Consult someone. You need to be able to consult a parent or some kind of adult figure because when you cut it obviously is a sign for help. The best thing you can do is to tell your parents and ask for treatment. It's not like this is life threatening or anything, but it can manifest over the years into something more dangerous and it would be good to nip in the bud right now. It's great that you have realized that you no longer want to cut, but it may be too hard for you to stop on your own. I am glad that you want to better yourself, but I urge you to tell someone so you can get the proper help you need.

Oct 16, 2006, 06:50 PM
How do you find professional help at 13? Easier said than done. If you can't contact your doctor directly, you could start with talking to a parent, or other relative, a school nurse, even a friend that can sort of advocate for you, to sort of break the ice. There are clinics for young people in some cities also, you may even want to contact your local social service agency. I started at 12 and didn't know where to turn at the time. It's not an easy thing to talk about. You are great and really brave for seeking help. Don't give up, and good luck to you.

Dec 6, 2006, 08:03 PM
Sometimes it hard to deal with everything at once, people turn to cut because they don't know how to express their pain or how they feel in other ways. Cutting is addictive, I know, I did it. But its imporant to see why do you do it and talk 2 someone about it. I know its scary but cutting is definitely not the solution. Its not "cool" or a good way to deal but its not your fault and you shouldn't be ashamed. Hope the article helpes http://www.dmt123.com/mental-health/2251-dmt123.html

ANd please contact someone who you trust who can help, talking helps.

Dec 6, 2006, 08:17 PM
Things get pretty nuts when you hit your age... and they stay like that for a while.

My daughter, now 20, went through depression when she was 16... she never cut herself, but it still was mentally painful. She found a therapist and went, not thrilled about it at first, but willing to go. Shed tell you now that it was a great idea.

You write in here because you wanted someone to hear your story and to help you. A professional can do just that. Don't get hung up on the stigma. If you're not ready to do that, talk to someone... the more you share what going on the better you will be.

Cutting might be the action you take, but it isn't the cause. You need to deal with what's bothering you emotionally and then also find other ways to channel your frustration.

Understand, we all have been confused, depressed, angry, frustrated... it's a part of life from time to time. You just need to find a way to accept it better and then deal with it in a manner that isn't self destructive.

Talk to your doctor, a relative, a parent. I know... your parents are the last person you want to probably talk to. It's their job to get you help. If you really want help, get it. Its your job to take better care of yourself.

Let other people help you.

Feb 5, 2007, 09:52 PM
Well you are only thirteen and cutting yourself is very dangerous. You have every reason to live and if you keep toying with your life you might not get a second chance. Lets see cutting yourself, I've been there done that, what does it do?? Nothing. Maybe you feel in control of your life, but cutting yourself is proof that you are not. It leaves nasty scares that will be there throughout life. You will regret it! Just stop and count to ten before you mutilate your body. Then think how it will help. When you are mad just think about other people and how there lifes are WORSE. With all the hiv, aids, abused, and molested kids out there. They don't even have a razor to cut thereselves with. And you don't deserve on either. You are WAY to good for that.

Feb 21, 2007, 02:04 PM
Well I used to be the same way but through high school I found my best friend who did the same thing and we both wanted to stop so we helped each other... if no one knows tell someone that you can trust...