View Full Version : Race

Mar 22, 2003, 08:28 AM
Are Romanians considered as whites? I know that Romania has been conquered by the huns and the turks. I am wondering. PLease help.

Jul 22, 2004, 09:08 AM
Yes, and Turks are also known as whites.
Dividing all people on earth in three races is a simplification at random, of course.
You might just as well divide people in 1000 races, or see them as just one race.
3: negroid, caucasian ('white'), mongoloid (asian)
Not even all africans are considered negroid, because there is more to this division than just skin colour.
Arabs for example and people from India are also considered caucasians.
I actually read a book that sait that more negroid people are living in Australia than there are in Africa, but I cannot account for the accurateness of that book, because it has been published 20 years ago, and many people have been born since then.

Sep 21, 2004, 06:01 PM
According to what I know romanians have a lot of mongolian blood I should say 85% of romanians have mongolian blood just check this site out and you will find what I am talking about http://www.casting.go.ro/romanianmodelpage.html

Feb 7, 2005, 03:36 PM
Yes, and Turks are also known as whites.
Dividing all people on earth in three races is a simplification at random, of course.
You might just as well divide people in 1000 races, or see them as just one race.
3: negroid, caucasian ('white'), mongoloid (asian)
Not even all africans are considered negroid, because there is more to this division than just skin colour.
Arabs for example and people from India are also considered caucasians.
I actually read a book that sait that more negroid people are living in Australia than there are in Africa, but I cannot account for the accurateness of that book, because it has been published 20 years ago, and many people have been born since then.

Actually Europeans don't consider romanians as white just as they don't consider gyspies white. I work with a Eruopean exchange student and we got on the topic the other day about this and she was saying that they aren't seen as white.

Apr 18, 2005, 05:16 PM
according to what i know romanians have alot of mongolian blood i should say 85% of romanians have mongolian blood just check this site out and u will find what i am talking about http://www.casting.go.ro/romanianmodelpage.html

Well,I don't want to offend someone's general knowledge about europe,but romanian is a romance language and the name ROmania in fact comes out of the name Rome.It's the only former roman colony in SE Europe that has hold on to it's eastern roman origin and language... you could consult any encyclopedy on this matter... what I believe you are doing, you must be confusing romanians with hungarians,which are in fact of mongolian provenience... but romania was never conquered by hungarians or mongols.It was during the middle ages that romanian princes paid a tribute to the turks,but once again,romania was even then neither conquered, nor assimilated. Romanian is also said by linguists to be the closest existing language to latin, the easiest language for a romanian to learn being italian.Oh... and about the race thing... Romanians are most certainly of white race, being descendants of romans and the local celts(not by any chance mongoloids or turks) are mostly of olive complexion in the south(where the roman element was much more numerous) and in the north romanians are just alike normandie-celts or scots(blond,blue-eyed). Hence, I am sorry to disappoint you about your conclusion...

Apr 22, 2005, 02:04 PM
Romanians are white people. In fact, they are today the only descendants of the Eastern Roman stock. The Romanian language is one of the major heirs of the Latin language, together with French, Italian and Spanish.


Apr 22, 2005, 03:01 PM
Having read all the postings,maybe a history lesson might help.Click on the link to go to the main site,then have a look at all the side links on the left of the page.This will tell you all about Romania from it's beginings to the present day.http://www.rotravel.com/romania/history/

I must admit I find the topic of race and color a little disturbing.Why the need to bring it up in the first place?

All the best,

Jul 15, 2005, 02:40 PM
alex13romania is a discrace that needs to shut up romanians are not desents of romans we were conquered by rome and had to pay tribune and they took all of our gold. We are desents of dacians. I am a romanian. And dacians are
Not white because they are a mix between arabic scythians and indo europeans.
They are in the same stock as scythians and thracians and after rome conquered us spanish colonies came and we got mixed with spanish colonies so practically were hispanic because we mostly came and got mixed with spanish colonies. But we are still desents of the dacians.

Jul 17, 2005, 09:42 PM
Where mixed with spanish colonies so were hispanic and were not mixed with romans we had to pay tribune to them and they took all of the dacian gold

Apr 9, 2006, 09:35 PM
where mixed whith spanish colonies so were hispanic and were not mixed whith romans we had to pay tribune to them and they took all of the dacian gold

Perhaps you are confusing a nationality with a race.

Hispanics are not a race - I know it's hard to believe, but...
Posted on 10/03/2002 8:53:31 PM PDT by free biscet. It's strange, because really, when you think about it, Hispanics are an ethnic/ cultural group, not a race.. . repeat after me: "Hispanic is not a race." Disregard nearly every U.S.. .