View Full Version : My young corn snake not eaten for 6 months

Jun 13, 2009, 11:24 AM
My young corn snake has not eaten since christmas, we are now in June. I have it on a heat pad, only part of his tank. He has access to fresh water, he is handled, but I notice the scalesare not sticking up on his skin. I have been told by various people to force feed it, which Ido not really agree with as I have large hands and fingers and I am scared of hurting him. He ate quite well for the first 2 months we had him. Now nothing,I have bought him pinkies,defrosted in water water, cut off their heads, pulled away the baby mouses skin split it open , you name it. . All quite gross. He still won't eat. Last attempt was 2 days ago. I have had corn snakes before, my last one was almost 5'5" long, but this one has me worried. Can anyone help, vets take a dim view, some vets contridict each other. Do Not Know What Else To DO. He will die if he doesn't eat soon.
Thank you

Jun 13, 2009, 12:42 PM
Have you tried microwaving them and tying them onto a bit of string and kindof leading the mouse around the cage? Microwaving might make it think its alive and warm.