View Full Version : My pet rats finger is falling off

Jun 10, 2009, 12:47 PM
About a month ago I bought my pet rat 2 new rat friends... They didn't get along so they're in separate cages... I guess my sister pushed them together while feeding them and they got to his finger. Its half off... I realize that I probably have to get to the vet so don't call me a bad owner for asking, will he die if I don't bring him? Is there any good way to treat him at home?Is there some kind of oinment that I can buy that is save for him in the meantime ?And they told me it would cost 80$ just to look at him... What do you think will have to happen and what do you think it might cost?Thanks everyone...

Jun 10, 2009, 05:11 PM
If it looks okay, not an open wound or infected, he should be okay not to go to the vet. Animals get injured all the time in the wild and they either die or heal. Watch him closely for any signs of infection. I wouldn't put anything on it. Just keep his cage clean. If the wound is open or looks swollen you should spend the money and take him in.

Feb 21, 2010, 01:29 PM
I doubt that you're rat will die. If it's dangeling or 1/2 off and your rat is chewing or picking at it, then you should probably either go to the vet or wrap its foot up. Don't take the wrap off of it until it should be healed.
These are my opinions, but I am a rat owner, and I know a lot about them*:D