View Full Version : Nightsweats

Feb 24, 2003, 03:38 PM
Hi. I have a problem; at night, I tend to get nightsweats. Sometimes it is not too bad, and sometimes it is very severe (last night I woke up shivering and I had to towel off; the bed was soaking wet with sweat!) This started a few years ago when I was in a very depressed part of my life, and it seems to come back when I have more stress.
Does anyone know what I can do to lesson or get rid of this? I have heard that nightsweats can be a sign of something even more dangerous, too. Is that true? What should I do?

Jun 7, 2003, 01:09 PM
Obviously the root of your problem is your stress, the solution would be to get help - see a counselor :)

I used to have problems too, I didn't get help until I started getting panick attacks (ouh! absolutely awful, one attack and I felt sick for weeks!)
But then my councillor really helped me a lot :)

If you haven't seen a counselor... why?

Is it becoz you:

-think your problem is very small, and that others may need the help more than you do?

-you think that you ought to be able to solve the problem on your own?

-you had a bad experience with another counselor?

-you're afraid even the councillor won't understand you and think you're crazy


Those are just some of the wrong reasons to not go get help,

In my experience, the councellor's understanding was shocking, like while I may say only a few words(coz my jaws were 'locked' when I was fighting back tears)... he was able to predict the sentences I was trying to say... Also, in areas where I felt ashamed of myself, he helped me to see from a different angle :).

ALSO - after I had help, I was able to live a more productive life - with the stress over, I can concentrate better, work faster, motivate myself, and in fact, I won't be studying in university now if I had't had help(I would have failed high scool because of my non-academic stress)

I now even enjoy TV/shopping/socializing... (all these I used find boring, in fact, in those days, I may go to the movies with my friends(as they have nagged me to), while they laugh themselves silly, I did not ubderstand what was so fun about movies no matter how hard I tried to see the funny side)

Stress is more deabilitating the what you may think, go get help from a counselor - they don't bite(serious! - sue the if they do!), It's really worth a try

Just another thing... caffeine makes me sweat(and of course, even in cold weather) so I avoid coffee, coke...

The councillor may also refer you to a doctor to treat your sweating problem(your sweating problem is quite serious)


Feb 12, 2004, 07:21 AM

If the weather is not hot at night you should not be sweating at all, however, if you still sweat excessively at night it may have an underlaying cause which can only be handled by a doctor.

Go see your doctor and get his advice. Night sweats are usually caused by a fever which means that your body is fighting off something.

Sep 18, 2004, 01:47 PM

I am q 42 yr old female, and I started experiencing nightsweats about 8 months ago. They were very severe, with me having to change my PJs twice a night, and towel off. Then TRY to get back to sleep... I went to my OB, thinking pre-menopause. Well, luckily, that was not the case. However, I was still getting them, sometimes not so severe, so I left things at that, and never did go to my GP, as advised. Then I started getting them again around 2 weeks ago. I take PAXIL for anxiety, and was told that might be the problem. SO, I tried changing the time of day when I take it from morning to night. No difference. I am wondering if this is something stress induced? Even though I am not feeling stressed physically, maybe my body is taking the brunt? There are several things going on that I should probably be stressing on, but don't. (Thank god for paxil)
At least that's what I'm told by friends and co-workers. What's the answer? These are life experiences that, yes, get a little hairy, but not to the point of counselling! Any suggestions? ::)

Feb 5, 2011, 06:42 PM
Night sweats are a common issue that can be caused by a number of factors, including taking certain medicines, hormonal changes, stress, other underlying health concerns. If they happen occasionally, there is usually no reason for concern, Yet, you should see a doctor if they occur on a regular basis and disrupt your sleep. Here's some information about the causes and treatments: www.better-sleep-better-life.com/sleep-hyperhidrosis.html