View Full Version : Does anybody knows the truth?

May 17, 2009, 01:45 AM
Whom of you can tell surely what kind of religion is the rightest one?

May 17, 2009, 03:04 AM

Religion is a faith, and is my belief that all religions lead to the same thing, we just choose a different method or none at all to help us through.

Nobody can tell you what is right for you, only you can know that by trying out different ones until you reach one that feels comfortable for you. Some people spend a lifetime trying out different ones, but you will know which is right for you.

There is no wrong or right one,only for you.

None of us know the truth and probably never will until we pass over. Although many religious people believe that their religion is the right one, the truth, that's what faith is.

May 17, 2009, 10:48 AM
I believe the righest one is the one your convinced is true, the one that can give you true evidences and facts,, I would suggest that you read about different ones and ull find out wich one is the most realistic! Or you can talk to people with different religions,

May 18, 2009, 09:39 AM
It sort of relies on your prospective. IF you choose to believe the Bible and that it is the true word of God, then your choice is pretty clear. If however you do not believe that, then there is a big problem.
The word of God speaks plainly about the pathway to God. It is a very narrow path. You need to decide if you can believe and accept or not. If not, heck you might as well go out and worship some worldly deity

May 18, 2009, 09:43 AM
And everyone says "mine" of course

May 18, 2009, 09:56 AM
Not on here we don't ;)

May 18, 2009, 11:31 PM
Hi Teya I think that there is only one truth and doesn't exist more than one, how do you think?

May 19, 2009, 05:56 AM
Hey Tilo, well you I believe there's only one truth , I totally agree with u, to be honest its either black or white, there's no gray in such situation,

May 19, 2009, 08:09 AM
I believe there is only one truth and I believe
That religion is not the answer.
The Bible says seek and you shall find.
Most people think that spending time in a church and saying 'I believe' is not the answer.

May 19, 2009, 01:05 PM
I believe there is only one truth and I believe
that religion is not the answer.
The Bible says seek and you shall find.
Most people think that spending time in a church and saying 'I believe' is not the answer.

And yet NK Hebrews 10:25 clearly states that we are not to forsake the fellowship of other believers.
"Not forsaking our own assembling together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near"

May 19, 2009, 01:11 PM
True but many put their faith in the fact they go to a building every Sunday and sing in the choir or do the Sunday church brunch or whatever. Knowing the truth has very little to do with these other than if you do go to a good church they will teach you truth.

The major denomination church (not Catholic) I went to when I was growing up was not much more than a social club and that is the way many Churches are.

May 19, 2009, 05:37 PM
I totally agree with you on that point. There are many many denominations that are nothing more than a social gathering. While there are also many many churches that preach/teach the word of God and salvation. When you find a good one you sure know deep down in your heart that you made the right move.
My own personal story is sort of like that. God is faithful and if you allow he will guide you to the right group/church. Don't get me wrong. You need that social interaction with other believers to keep strong in the faith. Otherwise the deceiver can sneak in and lure you away from God.

May 21, 2009, 07:45 AM
Well my dears, I want to tell you one thing, each of you will be able to walk with your feet upon the water surface if you believe, do you believe me or not?

May 21, 2009, 10:56 AM
As far as religion, not one is true, however EVERY religion holds some of the truth. If you want to do the whole religion thing, then follow your heart and don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't believe.

May 22, 2009, 02:07 AM
Hi mugger I agree with you in some way you say that "don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't believe" but be attentive when you choose what to believe because nowadays the fallen angel is closer than he has ever been.

May 22, 2009, 02:23 AM
So which religion do you follow then tilo? You say your searching for one to be the truth (your truth) but yet you keep making statements e.g.. The fallen angel is closer than he has ever been. Suggests to me that you already have your own religion,belief?

May 22, 2009, 02:35 AM
Not at all spiritcharms, I don't have my own religion I am searching a way to reach MY LORD because I do believe that there is only one right way that leads to HIM, the fallen angel won't let any of us to live in peace.

May 22, 2009, 03:05 AM
It sounds as though you have already found your religion because you believe there is only one right way to reach him, and fallen angels won't let us live in peace?

So if there is only one way,then why are you still searching? Look at ALL religions and see which is to be true in your eyes? Sorry I'm confused, religion does confuse me and I'm not meaning to sound as though I'm having a go at you,I'm not, just confused. You see I'm not particularly religious, I don't believe God, The Lord or whatever you want to call our creator as a person, I believe it's an energy that lives inside all of us, in other words God lives in all of us, our God and people follow their own religion to get to the same thing.

May 22, 2009, 08:04 AM
I am too young to understand many things but I think that the man who once said " I belive in GOD" has no right to take a gun and kill other man for his faith. Can we admit such religion? Can we say then that all religions will bring us to the same GOD?

May 22, 2009, 08:18 AM
Not if you believe the Bible as the only and true word of God. The Bible clearly tells you that there is but one way to God. But that there are many false teachings that can lead you astray. So first you must believe that one truth. The Bible. And if you study it, it will lead you to the truth.

May 23, 2009, 09:15 AM
I agree that the Bible is the only and true word of God, but it matters who teaches you about the words of God, do you know that the devil knows by heart each word from the Bible, he knows It much better than any priest, if we let him to explain the Bible we will be sure that we follow the God's words but we surely will come to him at the end.

May 23, 2009, 09:17 AM
... do you know that the devil knows by heart each word from the Bible, he knows It much better than any priest...How do you know this fact?

May 23, 2009, 09:21 AM
If he beleive's religious teachings and that the devil does exist than it would be easy to take as fact no?

I mean you figure the Devil's got to know a little about what pisses the big guy off.

May 23, 2009, 09:27 AM
But word for word (many translations and interpretations)?
Better than a priest?

May 23, 2009, 09:37 AM
NeedKarma I know almost all about the devil, we should know our enemies well enough in order to know how to fight with them, I also know that we won't be able to defeat him by ourselves.

May 23, 2009, 09:42 AM
How do you know all about the devil?

May 23, 2009, 09:55 AM
Personally, I don't believe in relgion, but I do believe in God.

I don't need to belong to a group in order to have faith.

Everyone thinks their path is the right path. There are so many different religions, why does one have to be the "true" religion? Maybe all of them are right. Heck, maybe none of them are. :)

May 23, 2009, 10:04 AM
Altenweg the fact is that we all die and it doen't matter if you believe or not, your death is not the end it is only the beginning of eternity, and it matters where you will you spend your eternity.

May 23, 2009, 10:07 AM
Altenweg the fact is that we all die and it doen't matter if you belive or not, your death is not the end it is only the begining of eternity, and it matters where you will you spend your eternity.

But that's your belief, not fact.

Yes, we all die, true, no getting around that, but eternal life? That's not something everyone believes in. It's a nice dream, but fact?

What if you die and just rot in the ground for all eternity? That's another possibility.

May 23, 2009, 10:19 AM
Altenweg if you believe that after the death you will just rotin the groung than I'm afraid that it will be so for you, Jesus said that everyone who believes won't ever die, I know you will say 'that's your belief, not fact' but He proved that He is stronger than the death, He defeated the death.

May 23, 2009, 10:31 AM
Altenweg if you belive that after the death you will just rotin the groung than I'm afraid that it will be so for you, Jesus said that everyone who belives won't ever die, I know you will say 'that's your belief, not fact' but He proved that He is stronger than the death, He defeated the death.

Again, that's what you believe, mainly because you believe in the bible.

I believe in God, I don't believe in the bible. The bible was man written and is man interpreted. In fact, there are so many different interpretations of the same bible that no one can truly know what it says.

Why do you think there are so many different religions? It's because everyone reads things differently, interprets things differently, understands things differently.

If the bible is truly the "word of God" then there should be no room for interpretation, it should be as clear as day. The reason it's not is because it's man written, and men are fallible.

Of course that's just my belief, one I have as much right to as you do yours.

You asked a very simple question, but I don't think you were really looking for answers, just a podium on which to stand and preach your beliefs.

Like I said before, this site is world wide, you'll get people from all walks of life with many different beliefs. We have Wiccans, Catholics, Lutherans, Atheists, Jews, the list goes on. All of these people believe they are following the right path just as much as you believe that you are.

No one has the right to say "my way is the only way, the right way" because no one has proof that it is. If there was proof then we'd be fools to question it, wouldn't we?

May 23, 2009, 10:44 AM
If anybody here has the same belief as someone else then it is false. Everyone has a different view, otherwise we would all be robots.
... but that's just my opinion. Lol

May 23, 2009, 10:46 AM
If anybody here has the exact same belief as someone else then it is false. everyone has a different view, otherwise we would all be robots.
...but that's just my opinion. lol

Or sheep.

Just saying. ;)

May 23, 2009, 11:57 AM
This is exactly why I didn't respond again in this thread as I realised that Tilo was trying to preach! What is the point? Huh, I was just answering the orignal question. No wonder I got confused along the way! (and yes I'm going to repeat exactly what I've just said in the other thread now.)

I respect people having their own beliefs and opinions and strong faith in what they believe, but what I don't respect is for those to not have the same respect and understanding in return.

And wel said Altenweg, I agree with all your statements on this thread. :) and some of the other members too.

May 24, 2009, 01:55 AM
spiritcharms if you know from history people never liked those who aren't the same as they are, first they "killed" Jesus, they buned out Jan Hus, they burned out Ioana d'Arc, they burned out Giordano Bruno and I have many other examples, and the main resons for wars were the differnces between religions, confessions.

May 24, 2009, 02:43 AM
Although you had ulterior motives for asking this question, because you just wanted to preach about your religion it's OK, because you have asked and proved my point all at the same time. Religion is the problem; most members of organized religion will always look for ways that makes their religion appear more superior to others.

Yet all organized religion claim they are devout believers and followers of God. Which makes me think what if we all just believed in GOD period? What if we as human beings recognized the existence of 1 Devine creator? The problem in my opinion is that religion is the great divide and it actually brings us further away from God, because we put up barriers to our fellow man that does not share the same religious beliefs.

My opinion religion is wrong on ALL levels, everything that we need to receive the light of the creator is already within us, it's not found in our beliefs for Jesus, Mohammed etc. We are all God's in our own right. So you ask is there a correct religion and I say NO all religion is wrong.

Spiritually and believing in God and trying to draw close to him by submitting mind, body, soul and a clear contrite heart is what brings us closer to our creator and that's what this life is about, getting closer to GOD.

May 24, 2009, 04:48 AM
spiritcharms if you know from history poeple never liked those who aren't the same as they are, first they "killed" Jesus, they buned out Jan Hus, they burned out Ioana d'Arc, they burned out Giordano Bruno and I have many other examples, and the main resons for wars were the differnces between religions, confessions.

And your point is what? :o

May 24, 2009, 05:07 AM
And yet NK Hebrews 10:25 clearly states that we are not to forsake the fellowship of other believers.
"Not forsaking our own assembling together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near"

Well, actually Matthew 18:20 states "Where ever two people are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them," meaning that it is a church. Therefore, your church, your "fellowship of believers" can consist of you and your best friend or you and your mother, etc. As long as you don't refuse to talk about God (only in context with these two verses), your fine by that.

But what I really wanted to say is that the answer is: No religion is the best. Religion is not the same as faith, and faith is what counts. Also, the bible was written by men after Jesus died and the Catholic church decided long ago what books would go into the Bible and which ones wouldn't. In fact there are stories about Jesus' life that were taken out of the Holy Bible but still exist in the Koran and Torah; they weren't good enough for the Christian Bible.

As far as church or no church: the church and religion are merely conduits through which people explore their faith or lack thereof.

I think that the answer is in all of us, but it can only be answered by ourselves. No religion will spell out what you truly believe, even if you believe in the Bible word for word. There are a lot of contradictions throughout (after all, there are TWO creation stories in Genesis).

Personally, I consider myself a Christian but to me that means following Christ's example. As corny as it sounds WWJD to some extent. Also, Christ's example changes from story teller to story teller. I don't have to go to church to be right in his eye; don't have to be orthodox in your beliefs.

What you believe is between you and the universe or you and God.

May 24, 2009, 05:15 AM
Oh, one last thing... I don't even think that religion or faith are necessary for being a good person or a Christianly person. I don't think it is necessary.

May 24, 2009, 05:18 AM
As was said, most people will say what they happen to believe is the right one. Of course that might be very different if they had been born into a different family in a different country. There are exceptions, but most people probably believe what they do because that was how they were raised, that was what they were indoctrinated into.

Consider this... would someone of a different religion be able to convince you that your beliefs are wrong and their's is the true religion? Likely not... so why would you think they would change their beliefs to match your own just because that is what you believe to be the truth? No doubt they feel just as strongly about their faith as you do about yours.

May 24, 2009, 06:18 AM
Well, actually Matthew 18:20 states "Where ever two people are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them," meaning that it is a church. Therefore, your church, your "fellowship of believers" can consist of you and your best friend or you and your mother, ect. As long as you don't refuse to talk about God (only in context with these two verses), your fine by that.

Sorry, it appears that you have taken vs 20 totally out of context. If you correctly read the passage which starts in vs19 " Again I say unto you, that if you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them. vs20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst."
This is not talking about the "church". But rather about praying for something.

May 24, 2009, 07:22 AM
Agree with 450donn's opinion "This is not talking about the "church". but rather about praying for something."

May 24, 2009, 08:09 AM
Apologies. Yes, I realize that the verse applies to prayer (though I suppose I am a bit rusty on my scripture).

In my defense, prayer is one of the primary purposes of the church.

Also, I can tell that we have very different opions on this issue. As I haven't really slept in a month I have very little passion for this thread; I will bow out gracefully now. Good luck.

May 24, 2009, 09:53 AM
>Thread Closed<
The OP clearly has another agenda with this and is unwilling to even listen in a civil manner to opposing views.

Continuation in this vein WILL result in measure being taken.