View Full Version : 2 Hamsters in one cage?

Apr 16, 2009, 11:40 AM
So I was thinking that if chico(my hamster) wasn't I would get another hamster, another female of course so they don't breed. But I know that two syrian's should never be in the same cage as they tend to fight. Would my hamster fight with a different breed?

Is there anyone who owns hamster 2 or more in the same cage??

Apr 16, 2009, 11:46 AM
Syrians will fight with any other hamster, regardless of the breed. They're solitary animals, don't like to be with others of their kind, even a different breed.

Heck, hamsters really don't like us all that much either, they just tolerate us.

We humans always tend to think that our animals need a pal, but really, when it comes to Syrian hamsters, no pal necessary, in fact, they would really prefer to be alone. :)

Apr 16, 2009, 11:47 AM
I remember you wanted another pet; congrats on the hammy =)

From what I know, Syrian hamsters are better kept alone, it's just their nature.


Apr 16, 2009, 10:10 PM
I would suggest against getting another hamster in the same cage. I worked at a pet store and I have first hand experience with a large number of hamsters. They will often fight and kill each other, even if they have been raised together since birth. Some have seemed to get along just fine for weeks or even months and then for some reason or another they turned on each other. Hamsters do not crave the same companionship we do and I doubt your girl would appreciate the "intruder."

If you seek a more social rodent pet the gerbils are an excellent option. They need the companionship of their species. I would never ever keep a gerbil by itself. Rats are also a great choice. They are incredibly intelligent and also very social.