View Full Version : Only men can answer this.

Apr 14, 2009, 02:10 PM
Im a dark italian brunette and Ive been told Im very pretty Ive been in 3 serious relationships and all 3 ended because of blonds(them cheating on me with some blond)... blond girls... what is sosoooo special about them ? Why are men , boys, guys all attracted to blonds so much? What's the deal ? What do they remind you of ? Why are they soooo sexier and such a big deal ? Im really curious

Apr 14, 2009, 02:28 PM
Think of all the blond jokes you have ever heard and condense them into one sentence. You have the essence of blonds in a mans eyes. Tall, knock dead gorgeous and dumb as a post. I did not say that was the truth. That is the male perception. When boys grow up they quickly discover that is not what they want is a real woman. Men ( adult males with a brain in their head instead of their pants) want in a woman a loving, smart, funny person that can match wits with them, love then despite their inherent flaws and still look good to them after all the children are raised.

Apr 14, 2009, 02:42 PM
The men in your life was nothing but cheaters. I hope you find someone that won' cheat on you but cherish you instead.

Apr 14, 2009, 07:42 PM
I have no freaking idea. I have dirty blonde hair, but it's more dirty lol than blonde. My boyfriend always tells me how hot I would be if I had blonde blonde curly hair or some. Yeah well I'd like it if he has abs!
I don't get what the big freaking deal is eighter. I think blonde chicks are ugly. Because their aren't really any true blondes out their that much these days. They're normally bleached which makes them have freaking yellow hair. It's NOT BLONDE IT'S YELLOW and it's such an ugly hair color. I think brunette men and women are way hotter than any one with blonde hair. Sorry I can't help. I'd like to know what the big deal is too! Maybe its like I said. These days most blondes don't have real blonde hair it's bleached and since like 9 out of 10 porn stars have fake (everything lol) blonde hair maybe that's why men want a blonde chick so bad. I don't know. Men can be so stupid sometimes! Blondes eh... I'm so glad my hair turned dark!

Apr 14, 2009, 07:49 PM
Well honestly, its probobly this, you were dating men that were leading you on and playing you. Those girls with blonde hair are probobly fake blondes, and girls with fake blonde hair are probobly skanks, and unfaithful men love skanks...

Apr 14, 2009, 07:49 PM
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it isn't the color of the other women's hair but the type of men you are dating?

Apr 14, 2009, 08:27 PM
It is not the blones, ( I like red heads myself) it has to do with

1. the relationship you have
2. the quality and commitment of the men you are dating.

So you need to date men who will date you for you, not for looks and develop it into a friendship.

I wish
Apr 15, 2009, 07:50 AM
It has nothing to do with blond girls. It only has to do with the men that you date. How about you stop the "bad boy" phase and find a nice guy.

Apr 15, 2009, 10:25 PM
Some guys have their preferences.
I had a blond phase once, didn't date nothing but blondes for years.
Then I had a brunette phase which I'm on right now.
Plus I only seem to date italian girls now.

You need to find different men. What type of guys are you dating?
Guido meat heads, that are my new haircut type of guys? Who tan more than yourself?

Apr 16, 2009, 08:58 PM
I don't think it's a blond thing, I think it's your choice of men. I'm a dark hawaiian brunette gal that used to love looking into the eyes of blond/blue-eyed guys. I used to get a lot of grief from my friends and relatives, but I always found the ones that seemed to like brown-eyed brunettes. I've been dumped for a younger version of me, but have never lost a guy to a blond.

It is my observation that the "enhanced" blonds usually have lower self-esteem than the rest of us. They enhance their looks to make them feel better about themselves. Some will go as far as to playfully flirt with your boyfriend, just because it makes them feel attractive. I'm sorry to say that some guys will fall for it, but eventually these girls get dumped because their obsession with what they think is important, really isn't. If you lost a guy because if it, then you are better off.

Apr 17, 2009, 12:45 PM
I don't think its about hair-color. Not at all. A cheater is a cheater and the hair color of the girls they cheated with might have been a mistake or they might have been blond skanks...

But I am curious, what kind of relationships were you in (all 3 guys), what kind of guys were they?

Because I really do think that it had more to do with this then the hair-color of the girls they cheated with.

Apr 17, 2009, 03:11 PM
Brown is my favorite hair color but I also like red and blond. It is a matter of preference, and every man likes something different. I would like to see a survey to see what preferences are among a large group of people. I once heard an old saying that gentlemen prefer blondes but they marry brunettes. I think it means that blond hair represents fun and excitement but brown hair represents traditional and dependable which is what most men want in a wife. You are great the way you are so don't change a thing.

Apr 17, 2009, 03:19 PM
I have black hair and men who are blonds are usually attracted to me.There is a theory that black haired people like blonds and vise versa.
As Mark so eloquently pointed out it is most likely the type of men you are dating.
Women have been known to pick the same loser types again and again.See if you fit that pattern.It is more common than you would think.