View Full Version : Certificate of Occupancy

Apr 4, 2009, 11:19 AM
I live in Washington, DC, and have given my landlaord 30-days notice to move out. He informed me that my lease requires a 60-day notice. I found out that he doesn't have a Certificate of Occupancy. Is the lease valid?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Apr 4, 2009, 11:28 AM
If it is not a legal rental, most likely you can have the lease declared invalid but it will take going to court, so you move, they sue you and you use that as your defense in court.

Apr 4, 2009, 11:38 AM
If he doesn't have a CO, meaning its an illegal rental, then he's probably not going to take you to court.

But if he does, I think the lease will be deemed valid and you will have to pay the extra month. Then the court will turn the case over to the Dept of Buildings which will send an inspector who will impose fines for an illegal rental.