View Full Version : Large clots during period

Mar 15, 2009, 09:39 AM
I'm 35 and have had normal periods my entire life. 2 months ago I had a period that started normally but in the middle I passed several large blood clots on one day that they kept pushing my tampon out. It was very scary, but everything was normal after that. The next month a had a normal period, but this month I'm having the same experience as before... is there something wrong?

Mar 15, 2009, 10:16 AM
Hi jennifer,
I had the same problem this month with my period and I passed a blood clot the problem is a cist on the right ovary and that is normal for women to get some times and it would rupture when we have our time of the month but you also might have to have a dnc done.this is also normal for women to have to have this done.but if you have any pains in your stomach by your ovaries then you should go see a obgyn because some time the cist's won't rupture.but nothing life threating so don't worry yourself too much.good luck

Feb 8, 2010, 07:15 PM
Hi Jennifer,, not true that cysts can't be life threatening, when I was just 13 I had my right ovary rupture due to a cyst and it filled my abdomen with blood it felt like my appendix ruptured. They told me at that time that I could have died had they not done exploratory surgery... they almost didn't since my blood count they check for appendix issues came back normal... so if your clots continue or get worse I would really get checked out...