View Full Version : Often feel ill

Aug 21, 2006, 06:09 AM

Five weeks a go I left a very stressful job where I was working 70 hours a week and ever since I keep feeling unwell. I don't know if the two are related. I feel ill for a week or so, then OK for a few days, then ill again. When feeling unwell, the symptoms are mild but noticeable. I feel tired and unmotivated, have a headache, feel sick almost all day long (which is unusual for me) and sometimes have a sore throat and swollen glands as well. I haven't been to the doctors because I don't particularly like going and always feel that I'm wasting their time.

Does anyone know whether this may just be a reaction to the stressful job I've just left, or do you think it could be something worse? I don't smoke, I eat healthy and exercise regularly.


Aug 21, 2006, 06:15 AM
It could be that your body is trying to recover from all the stress you were in during your time on the job.

However, when your glands are swollen it is usually a sign of infection. Infection of this kind usually does not go away without antibiotics.

You should certainly go to the doc. Understand that antibiotics DO NOT have to be given with a shot. You can take them orally, so don't let that scare you into not going to the doc.

If you do not like your doc you should find one with whom you are comfortable. Also, you are not wasting their time. Many people think that, but in actuality that is what they are there for... to treat you if you are sick, and to keep you healthy if you are not. Actually many doctors respect people for going in with questions about their health rather than treating a serious illness because a person did not take care of it when symptoms began.