View Full Version : Want to know the cause of this...

Aug 11, 2006, 03:06 PM
Hi.. I have something called CP... its effected my walking and my left arm I would lik to know more about my problem n y... I was born lik this.. if neyone can answer bakk plzz do

Aug 11, 2006, 03:53 PM
Can you elaborate on what the initials of this disorder is. I find many things that CP stands for medically.

Could you possibly mean Cerebral Palsy?

Aug 12, 2006, 11:12 AM
Yes I mean Cerebral Palsy

Aug 12, 2006, 12:09 PM
What is your age, are you on any meds? If so, what kind.

Unfortunately this is a condition that is present at or before birth. The causes are typically unknown. Many attorneys to sue doctors for what is called a "bad baby outcome." Meaning many people tend to blame the doctors for the condition. This is not necessarily so.

Please see this website (http://gait.aidi.udel.edu/res695/homepage/pd_ortho/clinics/c_palsy/cpweb.htm), it is very informational. I could type most of the info here, but it would be a long post without proper credit to the authors.

Please know that you are very lucky at this point in your life that it is only affecting your arm and walking. Many people that I know who were born with CP were in wheelchairs at a very young age (one of whom I know was in one at the age of 2). There are many different levels of the condition from seriously disabled to mildly.

Good luck, and know that you are one of the lucky ones.

Aug 13, 2006, 01:52 PM
I'm 14... n no I'm not on ney meds or nothing basically I look lik a regular person n everything I go to a normal school take regular classes I'm lik everyone else :) its my walkn and hand.. ye its true its caused during or before birth buh you c when I was born I was fine.. I was born normally no problems no nothing... n it showd up @ the age of 1.. n I onli startd walkn a little the best way I could at 4.. the doctors don't know what happened though they say its strange that I was born normal n yet I'm lik this... buh they say that it might of been because my mom has highblood presher or had a stroke.. buh my mom said I was fine until I got my needles.. so I don't know n I walk n get around yes buh I don't walk the way I wish to :(... n the doctors always say that I will never walk not even surgrey will help me.. buh ye

Aug 13, 2006, 02:07 PM
I will try to help you the best I can, but you have to give me correct english, okay?

It is possible that your CP was present at birth, but was not found until one year of age. Unfortunately there is no cure for CP and you are one of the lucky ones if you are walking, which you said you were in your first post.

Got your needles? Do you mean got your immunizations? Well, that will not cause CP. In most cases it is considered a genetic condition, which means that there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

It is also possible that it is due to an illness that your mother had during pregnancy, again there was nothing she could do to prevent it. And again, I am sorry to say that there is no cure for CP.