View Full Version : So upset!

Feb 6, 2009, 07:12 AM
:( Okay, So im still in love with my ex. Im crazy abour him. It wasn't to lon ago when he ended it, But i just now find that im HEAD OVER HEELS in love with him still. I know i can't force him.. But hes just sooo amazing!! HELP ME PLEASE> my tears wont ever go awayy!! i just keep crying!! :(((( HELP ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Feb 6, 2009, 07:15 AM
How long have u been together? Why did it end in first place?

Feb 6, 2009, 07:20 AM
You can't make someone love you NO MATTER WHAT!

Sorry but you just have to fill your life with other things, new hobbies and people. Smile when you can, cry when you need to and get through each day at a time.

Feb 6, 2009, 07:34 AM
Hey he's obviously not that amazing, is it possible your seeing your relationship through rose coloured glasses and are only remembering the good? I think if you sat down and wrote all the things about him that annoyed you or all the times you've fallen out or whatever you'll find the reason you split up. By the way no man is worth the stress your putting yourself through just give it time

Feb 6, 2009, 09:09 AM
Crying is good, and the shock and reality will finally hit you, and you can cope with your loss in time.

Feb 6, 2009, 03:02 PM
You need to let go of this person, and try and not think of what could have been, how perfect he was etc. it is normal to feel these emotions, its just going through the motions of a break up.

You will cry, and you will be upset, you will feel many more emotions. I think majority of the people on this site have or are feeling what you do now.

Take time, go NC (this is REALLY REALLY important to heal, I can't stress how important this is!) keep busy, think positive. You will feel better, but you need to want to get better to do so.

Good luck