View Full Version : Lump on penis

Aug 2, 2006, 03:21 PM
It started about 3 weeks ago with a tiny white bump on the shaft of my penis that looked like an ingrown hair, I popped it once, and white pus came out of it, not a lot, and it was still there, I popped it again about 2 days ago and then a bigger bump appered, and is slightly red but is about 3 mm long and 1 mm wide, it goes across horizontally across the left side of my penis, maybe it's a zit coming in but I'm not sure, can someone please help?

Aug 2, 2006, 03:28 PM
It doesn't itch, only after I masturbate, and it doesn't hurt unless I pintch it

Aug 2, 2006, 11:42 PM
I'm not really sure what it is exactly. It could be an ingrown hair, though either way, you should probably avoid popping it. Depending on what it is, this could cause it too spread to a degree. Or in the case of something such as an ingrown hair, force the bacteria into deeper tissues, possibly causing a sebaceous cyst to develop. Assuming it is not something sexually transmitted, it will likely clear up on its own in time. You could try taking warm baths, or applying a hot, damp compress of some sort to it, in order to help open the pores. It may, in time, burst on its own in that way, but I would refrain from squeezing it. If it does become more than a bit painful, doesn't heal, becomes much more pronounced, or begins to ooze in any way, I would certainly consider having a doctor take a look at it. Though, chances are, it isn't anything serious.
Take care.

Aug 3, 2006, 12:08 PM
I would certainly consider having a doctor take a look at it. Though, chances are, it isn't anything serious.
Take care.

I agree with Thomas it maybe nothing that goes away after a few days, could just be a build up of oil etc. But as posted above, if you are worried go and see your doctor and they will be able to put your mind at rest.

Aug 3, 2006, 12:58 PM
It could be nothing more than a sebaceous cyst, but should be looked at by a doctor.

I agree with Thomas that you should stop popping it as your chances of infection are greater.

Mar 31, 2009, 06:01 PM
Hi, I'm 14 and I seem to be having the same thing, a small lump on my penis. It seemed to appear overnight, and I was wondering if anyone might have an idea on what it is... It has me kind of worried, but after reading some other posts I feel a bit better. If anyone has had this problem it would be great if you could let me know what's going on, thanks..

Apr 1, 2009, 05:57 PM
My penis has a lump on it, what is it? - Wellsphere (http://www.wellsphere.com/men-s-health-article/my-penis-has-a-lump-on-it-what-is-it/34305)

There are several reasons your penis could have a lump or lumps on it. In some cases there will be nothing to worry about, however, it could be the sign of a condition that will require treatment such as genital warts.

The most common types of genital lumps are explained below.

Pearly penile papules

Pearly penile papules are small lumps around 1-2 mm across that are found around the side of the head of the penis. You can normally see them when you pull your foreskin back and they look like tiny pimples. They are in fact, tiny glands and are perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.


A lymphocele is a hard swelling that suddenly appears on the shaft of the penis after sex or masturbation. It occurs because the lymphatic channels (which make up part of the lymphatic system along with lymph nodes or glands) in your penis have been temporarily blocked. The swelling should soon subside and will not cause any permanent problems.

Lichen nitidus

Lichen nitidus is a harmless skin condition that causes small, shiny flesh-colored lumps to appear on your penis. They can also appear on your arms, legs and trunk. The lumps often appear in groups and may look like small warts.

The condition does not require treatment as the lumps will disappear by themselves. If you decide you want treatment for cosmetic reasons, steroid cream may help remove them.


Molluscum are small pinkish-white lumps about 1-5mm across. They can be found on the penis, as well as the lower abdomen near the pubic hair and the inner thigh. They are the result of a viral skin infection that is spread through skin-to-skin contact, so the infection can often be passed on during sex.

It is important not to scratch the lumps because they could become infected and cause scarring.

The condition is not serious and usually clears up in 12-18 months without treatment. If treatment is required, a doctor or nurse can help remove the lumps by piercing them with a sterile needle and removing their contents.

The mollusca can be frozen off (cryotherapy) or burnt off (diathermy). Diathermy treatment requires a local anesthetic first.

Other treatments include pricking the mollusca with a strong chemical that causes the contents to burst out, (this can be painful and may leave scars); and scraping off the mollusca (cutterage).

Sores (ulcers)

Painful sores, spots or ulcers on your genitals are typically a result of a herpes infection. More rarely, it could be a result of skin cancer. In either case you should visit your doctor or STD clinic as soon as possible.

Genital herpes can be treated with antiviral medication

Genital warts

Genital warts that appear on the shaft of your penis will look like the warts you would find on the hands. Warts that appear under your foreskin or near your urethra will look pinkish-white.

Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus which can be spread during sexual intercourse.

You should visit your doctor or STD clinic for treatment. Do not use the wart lotions that are available at pharmacists as these are not suitable for genital warts and could harm your penis

Jul 23, 2010, 11:24 AM
I think my BF has something similar to this, it's a spot about the size of a pea that's red around the edges, he's burst it quite a few times and pus comes out it every time! He went to the doctors and they gave some sort of cream to put on it. That was about 12 weeks ago and the spot is still there, it's stopped us from having sex and seems to be really getting to him and its stressing him out to the max!!