View Full Version : Outsiders use of a Corporate Name.

Jan 11, 2009, 04:11 AM
If I take a picture or video of my son eating at a famous fast food restaurant, must I get the Corporations permission to use their name or show the video in a public forum, like youtube.com, etc?

Jan 11, 2009, 05:45 AM
If you are profitting from the video, definitely. If it is for personal use (which I believe YouTube qualifies) probably not unless it is used in a disparaging manner.

Jan 11, 2009, 07:49 AM
If I take a picture or video of my son eating at a famous fast food restaurant, must I get the Corporations permission to use their name or show the video in a public forum, like youtube.com, etc?

I can tell you that if the restaurant sees you they will take your camera and allege some type of stalking of other patrons - particularly when children are involved. There is presently a case in, I believe, NJ where a parent was recently arrested for taking photos (I believe) of his own son in a McDonald's playground and other parents called the Police. I'll see if I can find it.

I take videos and photos all the time as part of my work and I ALWAYS ask permission in private places (other than out in public) because I don't want to be arrested.

As a side issue - why is anyone interested in videos of your son eating at a fast food restaurant?