View Full Version : Why doesn't it hurt?

May 29, 2004, 12:31 PM
My boyfriend and I are waiting to have sex of any kind (oral, etc) till we get married. In the past, guys I have been with would get turned on and they would claim to hurt, because they couldn't "relieve" the hardness. I asked my current boyfriend, if he hurt, when this occurred. He said no. Is this normal? Why would some guys experience pain and not others?

May 15, 2007, 11:39 PM
My boyfriend and I are waiting to have sex of any kind (oral, etc) till we get married. In the past, guys I have been with would get turned on and they would claim to hurt, because they couldn't "relieve" the hardness. I asked my current boyfriend, if he hurt, when this occurred. He said no. Is this normal? Why would some guys experience pain and not others?
There is a condition called "blue balls" which is a slang term for vasocongestion - a natural temporary fluid congestion in the testicles and prostate region caused by prolonged sexual arousal in the human male. This often causes some discomfort, and perhaps even pain, but never gut-wrenching pain. And, the erection is not part of vasocongestion; erections simply occur at the same time (when sexually excited).

Unfortunately, males sometimes exaggerate the discomfort of "blue balls" and insist that their partner must "give them" an orgasm or else there will be physical injury which, of course, is not the case.

Your boyfriend is to be commended for his honesty!