View Full Version : What is the laws in Texas

Nov 19, 2008, 09:45 AM
My daughter had a baby by a boy in 2007. Since 2007 he only comes to see the child about every 3-6 months. He decided about 2 or 3 months ago to hook up with a "girl friend" and move approx 8-10 hours away (still same state). He has never supported the baby in anyway financially or emotionally. He is demanding she let the baby go with him and his girl friend for a mth and my daughter says no. She has been trying to establish child support but the court tells her they can't locate him to serve papers. She asked him why he doesn't do the right thing and just go to court and he says He'll never go to court cause of warrents and no judge will MAKE him pay child support. He says he doesn't need anyone to tell him he can or can't see the baby. She hasn't kept him from seeing the baby just wants it done supervised. He is refusing. What options does she have. She lives in Houston Texas on limited income.

Nov 19, 2008, 10:24 AM
He is dead wrong. If he is not on the birth certificicate he has no rights unless he goes to court for them. If he is on the because then he does have some rights, but will need to go to court to enforce them.

1) A judge can certainly make him pay child support. If an order for support is issued, then for him not to pay would be contempt of court which he could be jailed for.

2) Your daughter has primary custody by default. For him to have any rights to visitation, he would have to go to court to enforce those rights.

Tell your daughter to stick by her guns. She does not have to hand over the child at all, let alone without supervision, unless a court orders it.

This loser seems to have no respect for the law or being responsible.

Nov 19, 2008, 03:14 PM
Don't let him see the child at all at this point. Follow up in court to see how to get him served. If he is calling, someone has to know where he is at.

Wait to get a court ordered custody agreemenmt and child support in place before he ever gets in the same room with the baby.