View Full Version : Clicker training

Nov 13, 2008, 12:08 PM
I am interested in trying out clicker training, would this be agood idea even if my dog is three years old, what should I know about clicker training, how much does a clicker cost, are some better then others?

Nov 13, 2008, 12:40 PM
My experience was great, a 4 week couse at Petsmart with my 2 yr old lab cost about $300.00. The clicker is really just a piece of aluminum in a plastic box that fits in the palm of your hand. Mine came with the enrollment in the class. My dog stops dead in her tracks when she hears it. I found my dog became more obedient making it much more comfortable to take her places such as the dog park or out to public events. You can teach behaviors through clicker training. Just my two cents..

Nov 13, 2008, 07:10 PM
Clicker training was highly recommended (and also explained) in one of my favorite puppy training books. I was dubious. I started basic training without it, and when my pup was about 4 months old, I went out and bought one.

Training was going great before the clicker, but I must say that the clicker has brought training to a whole new level. I hated the idea of the click, but my pup is now nuts for it. He knows it means extra fun playtime and some of his favorite treats.

One great thing about clicker training is that you can find tons of free info on it online through the site of the woman who created it in the first place, Karen Pryor.

Here's the link: Karen Pryor Clickertraining| dog training and cat training info, books, videos, events (http://www.clickertraining.com/)

Oh, and I think I paid 5 bucks for my clicker, but I bought it overseas.

If you understand the fundamentals about how clicker training works, you'll be amazed how many things you can bring out of rex's agile mind.

My pup is just over 6 months old now, and he can wipe the floor with adult dogs showing off his tricks. Of course, I still incorporate treats with him since he's still little, but it's impressive. One of my favorite things is that we set up a wind chime at his level. Now if he wants something, like to go out, fresh water, or a snack, he walks over at bats it. It's too cute, and it's also a big help to me.

Check out the site! You might really enjoy the experience. Also, if you think you can handle some of the training on your own, all you'll need to invest is a few bucks in the clicker itself... :)

Keep me updated! :)

Nov 18, 2008, 10:28 AM
Rex, have you been able to pick up a clicker? Or have you had a chance to look at that clicker training site I was talking about? Or should I ask if you're still interested in the idea at all? You don't have to do it if you don't want to, you know. :)

If you have given it a shot and you are looking for support, I'll be happy to be on your training team. :) I'm pretty much in the same boat as a newbie clicker-clicker... clicker-person... clicker... lol. Well, I'd be happy to have someone else to talk to about this stuff, so if you're into it, let me know!

Nov 19, 2008, 03:33 AM
Well, we have three pet stores(if that what you would call them) where I live a Shurgain Feed 'n Needs, a Co-op Country store and a Holna Purina Store. I called all these and a walmart every single one of them told me they do not carry clickers and they can't order them for me either... But My aunt lives up near a PetsUnlimited and she's coming down for Xmas, so I can just ask her to pick it up for me and give her the money when she comes:D!! Unfortunately, Xmas is a really long wait... :(
I was really disapointed that I was inable to get a clicker around here.:mad:

Nov 19, 2008, 06:55 AM
Lol, OK. Well, maybe once you start using it and everyone gets to see how Rex is the best trained dog in town, they'll jump on the wagon. :) no one in my area (in Italy) uses it either. Most of them have never even heard of it, and when I try to explain how it works, they look at me with a rather dubious eye... my boyfriend was flat out against it in the beginning. He thought it sounded mean. It's *not* mean. They love it.

If you're having trouble, check out the clicker site again. I think you can get the original one online for $1.85. There are also lots of other cool products there. If I were in the states, I think I might order a target stick to try it out. Anyway, take a look if you really can't wait for Christmas: :)



Nov 19, 2008, 11:54 AM
Thanks a lot linnealand, I wish I could order online, but for something that costs 1.85$ would quickly turn into 15-20$, I'd have to pay shipping and handling(10-15$ alone), change my canadian money into american and pay to send as well as to receive the mony order(10-15$).