View Full Version : 90s kids movie - Rainbow entry to another world

Nov 11, 2008, 07:15 AM
I am trying to think of a movie I used to watch with my sister when we were younger. Neither of us can think of it but have pieced together just enough clues to frustrate us more since we cannot think of the name of it. It is a family of acrobats or circus performers because it shows the parents climbing ropes and performing at the beginning. The children go to their grandparents house for the weekend and the dog discovers a little magic man that no one can see. I think he enters his world by finding the end of a rainbow and cannot get back. The kids help him get back and go with him. There are all sorts of different creatures and there's a huge slide everyone gathers around where they sacrifice themselves to a huge glob like beast. I know this are vauge clues but if anyone remembers anything about this movie and knows the name I would really appreciate it.


Quinn F
Nov 11, 2008, 08:31 AM
The Great Land of Small (1987) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093116/)

Nov 24, 2008, 05:44 PM
Oh my GOSH! My sister and I have been doing the Same thing. As I was reading, I stopped to look at the name and date.. because I thought it was her! We were JUST racking our brains yesturday.. calling aunts & sisters.. That is SO crazy!! Thank you sooo much for asking.. or I would have NEVER found it! The way you described it, was how I was trying to explain it to people! Oh my goodness. Thank you!
