View Full Version : Am I an absesed boyfriend

Oct 30, 2008, 07:21 PM
My girlfriend is not my girlfriend anymore but I don't know who's fault was it... I think itnwas her fault because she was spend too much time with my friend erick... But she thinks it's my fault cause I wanted her to be too much time with her!

So what do you think

Oct 30, 2008, 07:32 PM
A lot of girls have a problem with guys who want to be around them 24/7... It is usually referred to as being, "clingy." It happens on both sides (men and women) but more commonly with men being too clingy.

It sounds like you were being clingy, jealous, and a little over protective. It is understandabe, though. Clingy because she told you that you wanted too much time with her. Jealous and overprotective because you get mad when she is with other guys.

It sounds like she could have communicated more, and maybe could have been more understanding to your needs and concerns.

I find that most break ups aren't usually the fault of one person or the other. It is the both of the people in the relationship.

But, I wouldn't focus on whose fault it was. Look at the mistakes made by the both of you, and learn from them. Then, apply the lessons you learned in a new and improved relationship.