View Full Version : Is this more than I'm taking it to be?

Oct 26, 2008, 08:50 PM
If a boss is asked to change around certain peoples schedules but never does, and when asked by me does it the same day isn't that odd for him to go out of his way for me. He does anything I ask him too, he helps me study my school work, he's checked his e-mail on saturdays when he's off and responded to me immediately even if I asked him just a stupid not important question. He tells me I'd be a great nurse and can't wait till I become one when he has never seen me work. He asks me to come to meetings early so we can discuss what we will be going over when I am not in management and in fact am in one of the lowest positions. Why would he be asking me of all people. He told me something was wrong with my phone how would he know that if he never called me. And why would he be calling me when we work different shifts and we have no business together. He also tells me things like I should see him and his son but never mentions his wife. He asks me questions about my culture and how do their dating rituals work. He asks about my kids and remembers if they were sick and makes sure the next time he sees me to ask if they are okay. Other people tell me he never asks about their kids and it upsets them. He drops everything when I walk in his office and gives me his full attention looking directly at me. If I tell him I don't like him doing this or that he changes it. He gave me his pager number and told me to call him anytime if I need anything. Why would someone go through so much for one person if you didn't like them and are married. I'm confused because he has never asked me out or made a pass directly so is this just innocent flirting or is he looking for more.

Oct 27, 2008, 04:29 AM
Without making his intentions clear at some point in time, I would think this was all rather creepy. Are you comfortable enough with him just to ask what's going on. Well if not, I would just keep my distance and try not to be in the same place at the same time and he may get the hint.

Flirting ? I can't tell what he is trying to do from your description.