View Full Version : Movie about a Robot Girl

Oct 23, 2008, 12:21 AM
Must have been about 15+ years ago but I'm trying to find a movie that may in fact be two movies. I would like to find them both but whatever I can get ;)

Ok mainly I recall a scene with a girl in a room with a older woman (may have been elderly) and the girl throws a basketball at her head and it explodes all over the place.

A scene like that should have returned some Google results but nada.

The other movie, or it may be the same movie involved a kid peeping on this woman and then she chases him on foot (or by car, I don't recall) and they end up on a stage in front of some people. She pulls out hairspray and a lighter and burns him alive right there in front of everyone.

That's all I can recall, if you've seen it let me know! Thanks.

EDIT: As I was typing I was thinking that the old woman could have been the sam lady from Throw Mama from the Train and The Goonies and YUP. Movie was called "Deadly Friend" in 1986, the year I was born. Still looking for the other one though!

Oct 23, 2008, 08:14 AM
That's Deadly Friend (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090917/). It's a 1986 Wes Craven flick. This one is always easily identified through the "basketball to the head" scene.