View Full Version : Nice Guy Vs Alpha Male

Oct 22, 2008, 09:42 PM
Copied from a previous reply.

So quality women don't want alpha males who are confident, decisive men who are the leader the men and women?? There are alpha males, than there are wannabe alpha males. I know a guy who is an alpha male. He organizes events for his large circle of friends. Whenever his friends needs help, he is there too help him or her out. When one of his female friends had to take time off her job to care for her dying mother, he asked all his friends to raise money for his female friend. That's leadership. Not surprisingly, he doesn't have any problems meeting women.

This is why the term "alpha male" gets thrown around a lot. There are a lot of passive, shy, introverted guys who do not succeed with women. These weak guys blame their problems on looks, when it is their lack of confidence and passivity that is the problem. Instead of flirting with women and making a physical move like kissing, a lot of nice guys allow themselves to be the emotional tampon of women they find attractive. By modeling themselves after "alpha males", these nice guys learn to be confident and decisive around women. Instead of being her girlfriend, these guys learn how to flirt and seduce women they are attracted to. Women want decisive guys as they feel more comfortable when guys pursue them instead of the other way around. A lot of women in the forum prefer that the guy she likes make the first move on her.

Girls Is this true ?

Oct 23, 2008, 05:05 AM
Alpha males my foot. Whoever wrote this doesn't know an alpha male from a root vegetable.