View Full Version : Driving me crazy . Must find out .

Oct 20, 2008, 11:57 PM
OK.. can someone tell me what the hell I'm remembering here?
It's a cartoon movie that I can barely remember.. guy and girl hook up,he's a musician or something.. I remember him singing a song with lyrics like "u're so pretty , ;ove ur make up love ur nose .. i hate u".. or something like that
There's a bad guy who has this big henchman kind of stupid.. I remember a line he says " if u reverse the word "evil" u get "live" .. and we all want that"

Anyway he kidnaps the girl and makes her sing 4 some reason at this big concert and she has something on her throat that glows..

That's all I remember really.. and it's driving me crazy.. help

Mar 4, 2009, 04:37 PM
I think your talking about Rock and Rule. The movie was great.