View Full Version : Name of a 80's (I think) kids movie

Oct 18, 2008, 07:43 PM

I am after the name of a kids movie I loved when I was little, I cannot remember much about it except there was a bunch of toys or little people that went into human world, one got stuck in a dryer or something at one point. Somehow the humans etc end up in a magic world and trying to stop a witch from getting power from a rose in glass case. The last scene I remember the witch gets her arm stuck in the glass cage while trying to get the rose. I know this is very vague... but does anyone remember this movie or something like this?


April :-)

Oct 18, 2008, 07:45 PM
The Hugga Bunch

Oct 18, 2008, 08:02 PM
Thanks saw the answer on someone else's but realise was same movie! Mystery solved! :)