View Full Version : Non-normal Bees sting reaction

Sep 29, 2008, 11:34 AM
I was cleaning the pool on Saturday (9/27) and a stupid bee landed on the skimmer pole. I didn't see it and of course put my hand right over it. Well, the little fkr got me right on the thumb close to the "webbing" between the thumb and hand.

Hurt like hell... I smacked it off, saw the stinger, and pulled it out. Put ice on it for a few minutes, pain subsided, so I went about my business. A few hours later... every joint in my thumb and part of my had was killing (like bad ache). There really was no swelling at this time. Took some ibuprofin.. again... went about my business. The ache continued all night till I went to bed (7? 8 hrs?). It was bad! It helped to hold my hand upright so the blood wouldn't rush to it. Hurt to grab things, move it, even pressing the buttons on the TV remote hurt! Lol

Next morning, my thumb was nice and swollen, and itched like crazy! By mid day, itch was gone, but still kind of swollen.

Again.. this morning, the same thing!

I have been stung many times over the years (even 15 at once from ground wasps).
My usual reaction is a small swelled bump where the sting was... that's it.
I have never had a reaction like this. (Im not worried or anything not allergic).

I'm just curious... is there some type of bee that would cause that much of a reaction?

The bee looked like a honey bee, but larger. (closer to a half inch) I didn't get a great look at it (didnt feel like letting it finish stinging me while I inspected it.. lol)


Sep 29, 2008, 12:18 PM
It could be an allergic reaction. Even if you have never had a reaction before. Is there any redness in area around sting?
A few years back I got stung by something in the ankle did not see a stinger just a red welt in a few hours my ankle was swollen and red and ached to the bone I could barely put a weoght on it. A trip to urgent care doctor said it was an allerigec reaction and put me on steroids for a week. Never happeded before or since. If it still is swollen and achy I would see a doctor.

Sep 29, 2008, 12:29 PM
Still swollen. More in the am, better after moving it (like typing etc) but still swollen none the less. There is no pain anymore. Just itches sometimes!

So it could be an allergic reaction? Even if I am not allergic? Hmmm. I guess that would explain it... I thought maybe it was some type of bee with a more potent poison.

I'll see if I have any topical creams with some roids in it.

Sep 29, 2008, 12:36 PM
Ahh.. well according to this. I mustve been stung by this kind before:

Bees : Environmental Health : NYC DOHMH (http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/ehs/ehsbee.shtml)

The human body's response to bee venom is to liberate fluid (containing histamine) from the blood to flush the venom from the area. Swelling and redness accompany this reaction. The sting site remains tender for several days following the sting. If a person has been stung in the past by a certain species of bee and is stung again by that same species, a heightened response occurs, resulting in a larger swelling at the sting site. The portion of the body associated with the sting may also swell (i.e. if stung on the forearm, the entire arm below the elbow including the hand may swell). The sting site may itch as it begins to heal, but people should refrain from scratching the site so as not to force bacteria into the wound causing secondary infection.

Sep 29, 2008, 12:40 PM
Our bodies change, what you were not alergic too last year may effect you this year, Not normally of course but it can happen, And the exact placement of the sting can even effect it.

If and when you start showing signs of a reaction to any sting, even if you never had trouble before, always seek medical attention.

Sep 30, 2008, 11:01 AM
Bah.. medical shmedical... the swelling is going down... slowly.

Lol. Bees never worried me before.. I had been stung enough to know it didn't hurt that much. Well, it is time to change my opinion. :) thanks