View Full Version : Do I have a sleeping disorder?

May 19, 2006, 12:28 AM
Im am so tired these days.
Im having problems sleeping at night no matter how tired I am. It doesn't happen every night but at least twice a week.

I have to be up Mon - Fri at 7.30am, and some days at work I still feel asleep.

I don't believe I have anything on my mind keeping me up, but I get restless and sometimes even become wide awake. Last night was up till 3am and right now I feel like dead meat!

Any remedies?

May 19, 2006, 02:05 AM
Have you tried the good old fashioned "hot milky drink" method just before bed time.

May 19, 2006, 02:07 AM
No I haven't. Will give it a try!
Ive tired Nytol tablets and even camomille tea and all sorts herbal teas.
I hope I sleep tonight

May 19, 2006, 04:17 AM
Nytol is 60% alcohol; read the ingredients on the back. That's the liquid, don't know about the tablets.
I am not a Doctor. Sleep Disorders can only be diagnosed by a Doctor, so if it continues, please see one.
Normal amount of sleep is about 7 to 8 hrs, but the National Network News had a report just yesterday. People are different, some needing only 4 or 5 hrs, while others need 8 hrs. sleep, not to wind up being sleepy the rest of the day.
As another said, warm milk can help. Also, might try Childrens' Benedryl. It works for some, making them sleepy about an hour before bedtime. My wife uses it sometimes, not every night. There are also mild prescription medicines from the Doctor, which help induce a good sleep.
I do wish you the best, and good luck.

May 19, 2006, 04:21 AM
Dead meat, lol, is very accurately put. Been through on and off sleep deprivation for most of my adult life - sometimes to the point where sleep deprivation felt like it was making me high even. I eventually learned what it was about medically (first it was ptsd, then later it was fibromyalgia). You might want to go see your doctor over this since sleep is a pretty crucial factor of health. But without knowing what physical or psychological causes could be involved for you, here are a few suggestions:

1. I do my best to go to bed and get up at the same time, if possible
2. No caffienated drinks past dinner
3. Slowly ease my activities down during the evening; culitvate a relaxed state even to the point of turning the lights lower and lower through the evening
4. Like Curlyben said, a hot drink (great suggestion) or even a hot bath
5. Cultivated a nice environment - took deliberate actions to make the bedroom a "haven from cares"
6. Warding off the mental fretting about not falling asleep when I first lay down by occupying my mind with an exercise that goes like this - feel my toes, and let them relax, feel my legs and let them relax, feel my etc until I reach my head, sometimes I am asleep before I get done.
7. And finally resorting to medication but only after a conversation with my doctor since I consider even OTC drugs to be potent enough to warrant caution

I hope this helps - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

May 19, 2006, 04:23 AM
Thanks FredG
Probably tonight knowing me I will immediately sleep like a baby knowing I don't have to wake up for work tomo morning!
Funny that it just happens week days.

DJ 'H'
May 19, 2006, 04:28 AM
If it just happens week days then your subconcious is worrying about something even if you don't realise it. Has anything happened at work lately that made you feel vulnerable or insecure?

May 19, 2006, 04:29 AM
Dead meat, lol, is very accurately put. Been through on and off sleep deprivation for most of my adult life - sometimes to the point where sleep deprivation felt like it was making me high even. I eventually learned what it was about medically (first it was ptsd, then later it was fibromyalgia). You might want to go see your doctor over this since sleep is a pretty crucial factor of health. But without knowing what physical or psychological causes could be involved for you, here are a few suggestions:

1. I do my best to go to bed and get up at the same time, if possible
2. No caffienated drinks past dinner
3. Slowly ease my activites down during the evening; culitvate a relaxed state even to the point of turning the lights lower and lower through the evening
4. Like Curlyben said, a hot drink (great suggestion) or even a hot bath
5. Cultivated a nice enviroment - took deliberate actions to make the bedroom a "haven from cares"
6. Warding off the mental fretting about not falling asleep when I first lay down by occupying my mind with an exercise that goes like this - feel my toes, and let them relax, feel my legs and let them relax, feel my etc until I reach my head, sometimes I am asleep before I get done.
7. And finally resorting to medication but only after a conversation with my doctor since I consider even OTC drugs to be potent enough to warrant caution

I hope this helps - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

No 1 week days I usually go to bed by 11.30 latest midnight ( doesn't mean I'm asleep by then) and wake up everyday at 7.40am, which I do

No. 2 and 3 I already do.
But the rest of the tips where great!

No. 5 I can't really do as we are currently living at mums in the spare room, we have boxes on the wardrobe and by d door.. which truly our room is well messy!
Re No. 6 - when you say feel my toes, you mean literally? Abit like stretching?

What is ptsd and fibromyalgia?

if it just happens week days then your subconcious is worrying about something even if you dont realise it. Has anything happened at work lately that made you feel vulnerable or insecure?

Not that I'm aware of! :(

DJ 'H'
May 19, 2006, 04:33 AM
Whenever I have restless nights and trouble sleeping its because my subconcious is worrying about something but I have not yet realised. When I do fall asleep which is usually for only a couple of hours my subconcious will turn the worrying into a dream which leaves me terribly confused but becomes clear at a later stage!

The only other time I have sleepless nights is when I am excited about something!

May 19, 2006, 04:39 AM
Whenever I have restless nights and trouble sleeping its because my subconcious is worrying about something but I have not yet realised. When I do fall asleep which is usually for only a couple of hours my subconcious will turn the worrying into a dream which leaves me terribly confused but becomes clear at a later stage!

The only other time I have sleepless nights is when I am excited about something!

Maybe there is something bothering me and I'm not aware of it or its just a long phase I'm going throu...

DJ 'H'
May 19, 2006, 04:43 AM
I personally think something's bothering you but you don't know it yet!

May 19, 2006, 07:28 AM
When I do fall asleep which is usually for only a couple of hours my subconcious will turn the worrying into a dream which leaves me terribly confused but becomes clear at a later stage!

Good point here.

Dreams can be a big clue as to what is bothering me but not quite consciously yet.

May 19, 2006, 08:14 AM
You asked about PSTD, it is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This happens after a particularly stressful event. Men coming back from a war, women who are raped, tend to get this disorder.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain in the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. The pain occurs in areas called "tender points." Common tender points are the front of the knees, the elbows, the hip joints and around the neck.

May 19, 2006, 08:36 AM
2 years ago I had a lot on my plate, but that was 2 yrs ago.
In a space of 6 months, I dealt with moving country, being told that my dad was terminally ill after being away from him for 6 years due to me living overseas, then marriage, 3 deaths in which 1 was my dad!

May 19, 2006, 08:46 AM
Krs, I am not a doctor, but I don't think this would qualify as PSTD. That is a much more serious disorder. It sound to me that you have a lot on your mind, and maybe a little "guilt" that could be causing this sleeping problem subconsciously. How long has this been going on? That will help all of us better in helping you figure this out.

May 19, 2006, 08:49 AM
Id say the last 6 - 8 months.
Bare in mind its not every day, maybe once or twice a week.

I know I had a lot of stress and 2 years ago was a very traumatic experience for me, esp seeing my dad pass away after being away from for 6 years, as my relationship wi dad was the most loving you can imagine between father and daughter.. and I must admit that till this day my heart still aches when I think of how he died at the age he was, you know.

May 19, 2006, 08:58 AM
Okay, as I said Krs, I am not a doctor, but I have had a sleeping disorder. It sounds to me like this is more of an anxiety problem. Look at it this way, I am taking some of this from your other posts. Your flat is being worked on, you and hubby are living with Mum for the time being, you have a "friend" who wants to come visit but you don't feel comfortable with her after the visit last year, and your dear ole Dad passed on.

To me this sounds like sheer stress and anxiety. You can go to the doc to get on some meds temporarily until you are out of Mum's and back in your flat.

Most sleeping disorders are diagnose by going to a sleep clinic overnight, you can do this too. But I really think this is more of a temporary stress and anxiety problem.

May 19, 2006, 09:03 AM
Thanks J9
I think you are so right.
And I feel that sometimes people, such as my mum don't get that they don't get the fact that I'm stressed and anxious. Im tired all the time, and mum expects me to help out with dishes all the time, even after a long tiring day at work, I know they may sound like pety things but I hardly find the time for me alone.

Here its 6pm, and I'm still at work. Im knackered.
Im soon off but thanks so much for your support.

May 19, 2006, 09:10 AM
Aha, I think you hit the nail on the head! You don't get any ME time. I had that prob too, and once I figured out how to get ME time, everything got much easier.

May 19, 2006, 08:38 PM
I have a lot of trouble sleeping and now take ambien - I finally sleep!

May 24, 2006, 04:29 AM
I have alot of trouble sleeping and now take ambien - I finally sleep!!

Is ambien - stilnox?

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