View Full Version : Others at fault in condo accident

Sep 13, 2008, 11:41 PM
I own a condo unit, and an upstairs neighbor was doing construction on his unit and cut the building's radiator water pipe. Very smelly and old water ran down the inside walls of my unit and now my unit smells. I do not have water damage, but I am worried that the smell is permanently in the walls due to the sediment in the old water, and thus permanently making my unit smell. I do not have home owners insurance (but will get some now for the future), but want to make sure that

1) I do whatever repairs are necessary so that the smell goes away and
2) I don't have to pay for the repairs since it wasn't my fault.

Is there anything I should legally do to make sure that the person who caused the accident pays for repairs, rather than me?

Sep 14, 2008, 06:45 AM
Hello grace:

DOES the upstairs neighbor KNOW that your unit got damaged? Did they SAY anything about payment? THEIR insurance should cover you. Did you ask about it?

Get your unit fixed. Present the bill to the upstairs neighbor. If they don't pay willingly, then you'll have to sue them.


Sep 14, 2008, 11:57 AM
Great advice by excon and Judy!

Want to make sure you see Judy's comment about the contractor who did the work being insured.