View Full Version : Odd bumps under skin of penis

Sep 2, 2008, 12:03 AM
I am 14 and have never been sexually active, lately I have noticed a small white bump on my penis shaft and a grouping of the bumps farther down my shaft on the underside of the penis at the same time I have noticed a red rash on the sides of my scrotum the rash is occasionally itchy but nothing is painful. Any answers help. Thanks.

Oct 26, 2008, 03:47 PM
I have the same white spots :(, if there small and underneith your skin they're nothing to worrie about. Their called Fordyce's and there surprisingly common in males and Some females. The rash I have no idea what that could be but I'd ask somebody to help you. I asked my Uncle as I know I can talk to him.

Let me know if this help's. I've had them since I was around your age and I'm 18 still got them, my GF knows as I told her today :) but she's okwith it.