View Full Version : Exercise and food

Apr 27, 2006, 07:54 AM
What is the best exercise to do to lose weight mainly on my tummy? And what food helps this?

Apr 27, 2006, 08:26 AM
Situps are great.
Also, calories are important in losing weight. The average person needs no more than 2,000 calories a day, to not gain or lose weight... varies somewhat with exercise.
You can check online, or buy a paper-back book of Calories. Add up all the calories you eat/drink in one day (24 hrs), and try keeping them below 2,000. I was amazed a few years back that my intack was 4,000 cal. per day... no wonder I gained weight! Best of luck.

Apr 27, 2006, 01:53 PM
Fred's right on, the most important thing is activity and low cal intake. You can't lose weight from one particular area, it will be your whole body, usually the inner tube above your waist is last.

By lowering my cal intake to as low as I could stand, and biking for at least 25 minutes everyday/everyother, I have lost right around 20 lbs in about 1.5 months. I have relaxed the diet a little and work has stopped my daily ride routine but I will definitely not gain wieght anymore. So yeah, light breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or snack all day but avoiding sugars and breads and carbs in general. If your not burning carbs you'll burn protiens and FAT! That is the simplest understanding one could have.

Good luck and if you wan to lose weight make it part of your life. Every meal is on your diet and every parking space should be far away. Remember that by not being lazy and doing the extra walking etc you can drop pounds, over longer periods. Drink water until your in the bathroom half the day, honestly that is when I noticed quick improvement.


Apr 28, 2006, 12:09 AM
Thank you :)

Apr 28, 2006, 04:36 AM
Hi, Krs,
You are quite welcome. I do wish you the best in your weight lose, and just remember, you are not alone. Stick with what you want to do, and it will happen; weighing less!
Another suggestion is Weight Watchers. If there is one in your local area, you might check it out. It works if you want it to work, but cutting calories will, too. Weight Watchers is for those who like Groups, listening to the success of others. Best of luck.

Apr 28, 2006, 04:38 AM
Things is I'm far from fat, I know that. I weigh 56kilos and my ideal weight would be 50kilos.
Its my tummy that's getting abit flabby no where else. And now with summer round the corner I would love to have a flat stomach.

May 1, 2006, 11:51 AM
Yeah I was about 205 should be around 175... I'm at about 185.

1-2 months I lost about 20 lbs. 30-45 minutes of activity a day a lots of water is all you really need. If your not really that overwieght than you just cut carbs and lower calories a little. Once you get used to it you'll probably have lost the wieght.