View Full Version : Random alcohol urine test

Aug 25, 2008, 03:35 PM
I know this question has been asked several times since I have been researching it.

I am female
age 23
133.4 lbs

I drank a single coors light last night at 8pm and finsished it about 9pm. I went to my probation today and had my first random urine test. I took it at 1230 in the afternoon. Is there a chance that I will fail?

Aug 25, 2008, 03:40 PM
How specific will be their guidelines, In most likely the one will not show up after more than 12 hours, I would wonder why if you are on probatoin and drinking a beer is against the rule why you would risk going to jail just to drink a beer?

While it does not happen often what do you do when they come to inspect your home and find beer there?

Sep 3, 2008, 11:14 AM
No way,, just no way. One drink=one hour,, it is gone. Besides, Coors light is weak in content. They are more likely to bust you for having bad taste in beer. NO WAY!