View Full Version : How to make this work.

Aug 20, 2008, 02:27 AM
Ok me and my ex were dating for over a year very much in love and all that... then stuff happened and we broke up.. and stayed out of each others way for a few months...
Recently... about 2 months ago I bumped into her one night out.. we ended up back at my place and did the deed... after this we continued to see each other for a while.. just hang out and have sex nothing to serious... I still really loved her all this time but I didn't really think much of it just a bit of fun.. then she tells me she still loves me and we both decide we want to give it another shot... however for some reason her physco mum hates me.. she even asked her mum if it was cool I came over just hang out as friends and she said "while i'm alive that boy is not coming anywhere near this house" I am banned from there house and he mum disapproves of me dating her... I said it doesn't matter we can just hang out at my house but she says it will just cause problems and her mum is her world and doesn't want to go behind her back... She's 20 by the way old enough to make her own decisions... I this just a lost cause should I just give up or does anyone have any ideas..

P.S I don't think she is using her mum as an excuse either because everything was really good then one day she was weird and I asked her what was wrong and she told me what her mum had said...

Aug 20, 2008, 02:41 AM
She probably bad mouthed the hell out of you to her mum when you first broke up - and now that you're getting back together her mum doesn't approve.

You usually see this with a group of male friends. When a guy and a girl break up, his boys tell him how they never really liked his ex girlfriend anyway, and point out all the stuff they didn't like about her... then a few weeks later the guy gets back together with the girl, while his boys are left with their feet in their mouths after telling him what they really thought of her.

Aug 20, 2008, 05:15 AM
While the situation sucks, I have to agree with her decision due to the fact of 2 things. First being, blood is thicker than water and family will always be there and second, if she lives in that house then it's her mom's rules or the highway. It doesn't sound like she has much of a choice.

You could always try to talk to her mom and see why she dislikes you so much and maybe show her that you're a good guy

Aug 20, 2008, 07:07 AM
Yer I know I don't blame her for her decision but it just sucks that something like that should keep us apart...

Her mums just weird.. I don't know how to explain it.. but people that knew my girlfriend before I did told me that "her family are fukd" in those exact words.. I was always nice to her mum but neva really liked her..

Aug 20, 2008, 08:58 AM
She is old enough to make her own decisions, and that is what she is doing.

Look, everyone has to base their decisions on SOMETHING, right? The fact that she listens to and is influenced by her mom, psycho or not, is actually a good thing. Unfortunately, you lose out, but it's still good that she takes some counsel from somewhere.

People who, to follow your thinking, do whatever they want and usually the opposite of the advice they're getting from family and friends who have their best interest at heart... well, those people may be "independent" but they pay for it with a life full of chaos. Frequently.

So, don't be fooled here, she IS making her own choices. They're just not in your favor. Still her choice.

Aug 20, 2008, 09:36 AM
I have had a few psycho moms in my life, and feel for you, as everything seems to go through her, and your g/f, ain't going to make haves where she lives. It sucks all right!! Focus on the lady, and deal with the mom!