View Full Version : I'm afraid that he has no hope in us any more what should I do?

Aug 4, 2008, 01:25 PM
Me and my boyfriend has been dating for a year and everything has been perfect and we have gotten to were we fight all of the time he's going to be starting college and I'm only going to be a junior in high school I'm afraid that he's going to think that I'm in the way of things like his college and his work and stuff and he's going to get stressed. I'm scared we have almost broke up already because of our fighting and that was the worst feeling in the world I don't want to loose him. He always has said he would never give up and now I feel like he has no hope in us at all.:( Also I feel like I'm not as important to him either because he acts like he wants to be with his friends more then he does me. I just really want things back to the way that they used to be. He tells me he loves me and wants it to work but he just don't have that much hope that things are going to change.

Aug 4, 2008, 02:13 PM
Right now let things be and see where they go. Let him use this time to think. College will be a change for him as well as for you. He will be busy with lots of things and all you have to do is stay beside him and support him in everything. And if things don't work out then they don't work out. You can't do anything about it. Maybe its just not meant to be. At some point in time you will find the right man. But for right now just let things be and see what happens and just pray that maybe you guys will get over this and he will find a way to balance everything in his life and include you as well. That's all I can really tell you. I hope everything goes OK for you. Good luck girl.