View Full Version : Escaping death 3 times and wondering why?

Jul 15, 2008, 08:22 PM
Hi, I don't know where else to start then actually telling you step by step what has been going on in my live. I was born in 1973 in Germany and everything went well until one day in August of 1987 where I was involved in a serious Car / Moped accident, I was the driver of the Moped and missed a Stop sign. I have NO memory of the accident at all, but some strange clips of watching myself being rolled in to the Hospital. I luckily survived with a fracture of 7 ribs right along my backbone, 2 broken ribs on the other side, broken leg a lung injury, scrapes and burns and 1 week in coma. The Doctors didn't know if I was going to survive for the first 2 days but things got better quickly. Everyone said this to be a miracle and that I had an Angel. My sister sitting behind me on the Moped was very lucky and only needed 3 stitches on her foot.
The second time was in July of 1998 where I was pregnant with my son and I had an placenta privia which was very serious and life dangerous for me and my baby. I felt like in a trance. A Helicopter was ordered to fly my in a Hospital with the capability to take care of me. As we arrived there I heard the Pilot of the Helicopter say that we broke the record time. I was hospitalized there for over one month and my son was born at 28 weeks weighing 2lbs and 14oz. My son was called a miracle baby, he was breathing on his own and was kept in an Incubator for only 3 weeks to keep his temperature up. He came home only 4 weeks after he was born without a Monitor weighing 4lbs. He is now 9 years and has never had any health problems. In August of 2006 I was trying to cover a leak on my roof. As I was trying to step from the latter onto the roof the latter tipped backwards and I had nowhere to hold onto. A rush of memories and I knew I was going to be seriously injured or I was going to die. I fell with a very hard thump and it knocked the last bit of air out of me, but I was alive!! Not knowing how bad it was I was waiting for help. Hours later, X-rays and scan the doctor came in to give me good and bad news. The good news was that I was not going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and the bad news was that I had a Compression fracture in my backbone. It was a long and painful healing process, I decided not to have a back surgery and I was haunted by panic attacks for quite some time. About 3 months after the accident I felt like myself again and never felt any pain since. I have started to receive premonitions in 2000 as we moved and I knew something very bad was going to happen as we where driving down a mountain in Tennessee with a U-Haul. I was begging my husband to pull of the road, but he was not listening. My fear turned into panic that my husband almost got mad at me and he finally at the last second pulled of the road. The exit ramp was uphill which
saved our lives because the breaks on the U- haul where not working. We called the U-haul people and they promised to be on their way. 2 hours later the guy arrived telling us about this accident involving 18 cars and semi trucks that happen almost at the same time we had pulled of the road. Both sides of the road where shut down. I knew I had a calling, I just can't explain it! I had several sensations since, including the Tsunami. I'm very serious to figure out what is going on with me and how to pursue!!
Somebody please give me a good advice.

Jul 16, 2008, 06:39 AM
The famous Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos fell off a ladder, hit his head, and started his psychic career from that incident. I had an out of the body experience when I was in a horrible accident, hit my head, and could/should have died. But I didn't. I kept having prophetic dreams of events. Some were quite horrible. Fast forward about 15 years. I had another awful accident where I should/could have died. My 3/4 ton van was totalled with me in it. I had serious injuries involving my neck, thorax and lower spine. I started again having the horrible dreams. I dreamed I was on the spaceshuttle Challenger when it blew up 2 days before it happened. I watched the takeoff in horror when it happened for real knowing it would blow up.

I have studied this a lot in the past 36 years about why me, why didn't I die, etc. I did find out through my studies that when we come to this human existence from the otherside, we have 5 different "exit" points that we can chose to take to leave this life if we want to. I've had about 6 different exit points that I could have taken if I wanted to to leave, but I instead chose to stay. You have obviously chosen to stay even though you had several different "exit" points so far in your short life.

Sometimes when a person goes through a violent accident or violent traumatic event they open up their psychic channels and become aware of their gifts. The gifts were there all the time, but the person was not aware of them. I had several gifts before my accidents, and have had several other gifts added to my repitoire of gifts. You will have to discover which gifts you have added since your accidents as you sound quite aware of something's going on with you and don't know exactly what.

Jul 16, 2008, 07:26 AM
Well if you are religious in any way you already know that God has a calling for everyone and mabey that might be what you have been called to do in your life.

Jul 16, 2008, 07:46 AM
Just listen to them. You already know the consequences when you don't.

It's a very strange feeling. I've had nothing that close except I Knew to the hour when my grandfather died. He was the one with the psycic energy. It seemed to be channeled through him. Mine is still here, but my mind/body is crippled a bit to be able to use it.

I will be driving and all of a sudden take a radically different route to find out it was for a good reason.

Jul 16, 2008, 07:47 AM
Well then that's a great gift to have.

Jul 16, 2008, 02:05 PM
Susan - keep your psychic eyes and ears open. You may or may not get a "funny" feeling before such notifications of danger or imminent danger. You sound like you have the gift of precognition. This does not mean that you're going to be a world famous psychic, but it does mean that you have a very high level of self preservation though. You could also have your gift extend to your husband and children or your parents and siblings as far as you being able to warn them of impending danger. Usually your first instinct is correct when you get these feelings. Some days I just don't want to do a particular thing (my son has some of my gifts) and I don't know exactly why, but I trust my feelings and go with them. One time my son didn't want to go on a shopping trip to a city 20 miles away. He just wanted to stay home instead with me. We went anyway. We ended up getting one of our tires vandalized in the parking lot of the store we went to. Somehow he knew not to go. By not listening to him I had to buy a brand new tire. Now I listen to him and his "feelings" as well.

Jul 16, 2008, 02:28 PM
I don't believe in the whole "psychic" notion... however, there have been many times things have happened to me where I did something completely out of the ordinary, and I cheated death, as well.

I've been shot at twice, the first time was intentional in a fight, the guy just stinks at shooting at point blank, so that was nice. The second time, I was a random driver on a road, and while I was driving on the interstate, I dropped my phone, so I bent down (unsafe, but I still kept my eyes on the road... at least over the dashboard) to search blindly for my phone, lo and behold, at the exact moment, a bullet comes from the left and through the right. The trace of the bullet, if you look at it from the outside, would have gone straight through my head, but... I was picking up my phone.

These things happen... are they from "god"... do we have some psychic ability... who knows? I'm just glad they happen.

Jul 20, 2008, 06:51 AM
Maby it wasent your time ;) ;) ;) ;) :) :D