View Full Version : Statute of limitations in Texas

Jul 1, 2008, 08:10 AM
Can anyone tell me what the statute of limitations in small claims cout in Texas is? I went through a divorce 4 years ago and was not able to pay some of my credit cards. I have one that closed a few years ago, but yesterday I was served with a small claims suit. Last year, the credit card company issued me another credit card with a different account.

What should I do?

Jul 1, 2008, 08:12 AM
If they gave you a court date make sure you go
If you go they could rule that you pay only principal or something less than what the credit company is after.
If you don't go they will be awarded full payment.

Jul 1, 2008, 08:26 AM
All states have different limitations for different types of cases. Generally two years, if it's been past two years consult an attorney. You may be able to get the question answered with an initial free consultation. If you are required to appear in court, it is absolutley true that you need to go. It's possible that if it was part of your divorce settlement and your spouse was ordered to pay even half and has since defaulted on their half. I would imagine the company would still find you liable. I would advise you to contact the company and refer to your original account number and ask what happened. You may be able to find out and settle with them without going to court?