View Full Version : Bond for aggravated stalking

Jun 16, 2008, 04:03 PM
What is the average bond for someone arrested for aggravated stalking?

Jun 16, 2008, 04:52 PM
I think the minimum or average is around $500. But I think they take into consideration other factors like priors. Also they can go by straight or percentage, secured or unsecured,

Jun 16, 2008, 05:32 PM
Bonds, things will depend on past criminal experience, ** funny thing is sometimes if you have been bonded a lot in the past, and always shows up, you may be a better risk than someone who was never in trouble before but a unknown risk.

Do you have a job, family in the area, and so on.
But around here, you are looking at a 5000 to 15000 bond most likley, normally cash or property, with being able to pay a bondsmen 500 to 1500 to get out.