View Full Version : Steam heating to Hot water system

Jun 6, 2008, 11:50 AM
Hi, everyone.

I am buying a house with steam heating and an old boiler that is not functioning so well, and I'm considering to switch to a tankless boiler plus hot water heating.

Now, I understand that additional outlet pipe has to be installed for hot water system, but can I keep the existing pipe used for steam heating for the new system?

I have no knowledge on plumbing and I would like some advice what involves to switch the system completely.
Do all the floors has to come up for installation, and the cost side - is it worth the money and fuss, or would you suggest to replace with a new steam heating?

Any little information will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you:)

Jun 6, 2008, 01:01 PM
Call and get estimates from local professionals. There is way too much to cover on this changeover and since you do not have any idea of what is to be done you will be better served by ON SITE professional help.

Go with one of the newer high efficiency water boilers BUT remember to high a running temp will kill all the energy savings since the new boilers are condensing for efficiency and it will not condense over 130-140 degrees F