View Full Version : Are there any obligations here?

Jun 3, 2008, 07:23 AM
There's a bit more drama to the story, but I'll cut it to the core for now and can add details if they seem relevant later:

The place I wanted to rent from is 2 hours away. I called them before I left to say Hey, I'm on my way to sign the lease. I just wanted to call and make sure I wouldn't get out there and have you guys say "Ha ha, guess what... we leased it out to someone else."

They responded with a laugh and said "Nope, we'll hold the apartment for you for the day."

I took the day off work, drove up there and they were in the process of leasing it out when I got there. Am I entitled to any kind of accommodations here? Or is it just tough luck. Because I really got screwed over :D

Jun 3, 2008, 07:29 AM
If you have any proof that they promised to hold the apt for the day, then you can sue them for breach of promise and should be able to recover compensation for your expenses.