View Full Version : Lump in right knee

May 31, 2008, 11:13 AM
Hi, I am a 17 year old female and I have a small hard lump in my right knee inside of my leg. It is a little bit right to the right kneecap. It is like the size of a small marble ball, maybe smaller. It doesn't show but you can easily feel it moving around when I bend my knee slowly. It doesn't give me pain. I have this for quite awhile. I have never had surgery or any damage to my leg. I noticed that my friend has the same thing on the same place but her's does not move around like mine. What could it be? Do I have to worry about it?

May 31, 2008, 02:05 PM
I had the same thing. And strangely enough it was when I was 17/18. The doctor told me it was a cyst. Nothing to worry about. The inserted a needle, and drained it of the fluid. That was that. It didn't hurt, and it moved around a whole bunch.

Sep 4, 2008, 07:05 AM
Hi, I am a 17 year old female and I have a small hard lump in my right knee inside of my leg. It is a little bit right to the right kneecap. It is like the size of a small marble ball, maybe smaller. It doesn't show but you can easily feel it moving around when I bend my knee slowly. It doesn't give me pain. I have this for quite awhile. I have never had surgery or any damage to my leg. I noticed that my friend has the same thing on the same place but her's does not move around like mine. What could it be? Do I have to worry about it?
To start with go to your DR and book an appt with the Orthopedic Dept at your local Hospital, it could be a cyst as is already said but may also be a Meniscus Tear, which is a tear of the cartilage in between the patella and tibia. This is very common and can happen at any time through wear and tear or knee injury. It is it is nothing to be worried about and can be fixed via 1 one 2 different operations. They are both very quick and easy and usually done via keyhole surger, (a small cut about 1cm) the first option is it repaired and repositioned, the second is it is removed. Although it may not hurt it is best to get it checked as in later life it could cause some problems. Recovery time is also quite quick

Mar 13, 2009, 12:07 AM
FYI... I am having the same thing, I have the pain, etc. I went to ER and they said its nothing, BS. So they suggested to put ice, which did not work, but I did opposite, I applied something warm on it, which helped me. And I noticed if I run 1.5 a day it stops hurting. It works for me.

Mar 6, 2011, 08:05 AM
Maybe it is ganglionic