View Full Version : Thyriods high level tsh

May 28, 2008, 05:01 AM
Hi I'm hypocal my tsh lel are 35.5 chest pains and bad migrain

May 28, 2008, 02:04 PM
I am no doctor but do have thyroid. Go to doctor for the chest pains, could be anything. High tyroid can cause headaches and also the certain thyroid med can to. I was taking synthroid and had bad headaches, changed to armourthyroid, lot better now< but you need to go to hospital or call your doctor for the chest pains. Could be thyroid or heart problems better safe than sorry. Good luck to you. Hope you feel better and please get to a doctor. Chest pains are a way for your body to tell you something's not right. This is only my opinion and I am not a doctor.