View Full Version : Skin sensitive to touch

May 21, 2008, 07:36 AM
Hello all!

I have been having this rather odd sensation when touching the skin on my inner and outer thighs. This happens at least 1-2 times a week. It isn't excrutiating pain but it's enough not to touch it. If I put something cold on the bare skin, it hurts, almost like it's burning. Even when putting on clothes, just the slightest little brush hurts. Sometimes this sensation travels to my lower back and other parts of my body but mostly lower parts. Right now it's on my left inner thigh.

What could it be?

There are no visible rashes/boils on it and it's a normal peach color.

Jul 29, 2008, 10:34 AM
That's weird because it happens to me occasionally, but it's on my arm and in a small part.. I know exactly what you mean, any type of touch and it hurts really bad.. maybe you should see a doctor

Jul 29, 2008, 10:40 AM
Something like that happens to me too sometimes. Its on the backside of my entire right leg. It usually starts up when I'm about to get sick, and it extends from the hip to the toes. Lasts a few days, then goes away, but its uncomfortable to even sit!

Aug 22, 2009, 11:37 PM
Has anyone found out what it is. This just started happening to me on the inner part of my upper arm (biceps) in an area about the size of a silver dollar. I would be interested to know if either of you ever found out what it was. It sounds like the same thing .

Nov 14, 2009, 07:04 PM
Dr. Tamer Fouad @ www.doctorslounge.com/neurology/forums has the answer.

Nov 17, 2011, 04:17 AM
I have occasionally suffered from a similar sounding problem. Skin super sensitive to touch. Like sunburn. Hurts when touched by a shirt but not when I grab the skin with force. Generally around my chest stomach and back, but occasionally in other places. A rash never appears.

In any case I at last got to the bottom of the problem. I was suffering from gut flora, or a naturally occurring bacteria in my stomach and intestines that grew out of control overwhelming the healthy flora. This at various times over a few weeks caused a low grade fever, aches and pains, bloating, nausea and the weird skin sensation. Even my testicals ached. This was all my bodies reaction to attempt to rid itself of the nasty bacteria.

In my case this was brought on after taking antibiotics for a throat infection. Then all hell broke loose with all these symptoms. My doctors response was to give me something to settle the stomach, some amaprozole to reduce acid reaction (flora thrives off acidity), and painkiller for the aches and pains and then drink plenty of fluids, reduce acid from my diet and eat plenty of live culture, yogurt etc. Gradually I have been replacing with a healthy varied diet.

In my case this worked in a few days but these things can take months to sort out. It things don't improve it may be worth getting some detailed blood tests to identify the bacteria that is overwhelming your system. Kill it with the right antibiotic and then start replacing with healthy cultures.

This was my experience. I hope it helps.