View Full Version : More bleeding during periods

Apr 28, 2008, 08:16 AM
My sister is 19.she always complains that once the bleeding starts sometimes they don't stop more time and my sister becomes a little bit fainted.so I wanted to know the drug or the name of the medicine with drug to stop her periods.this happens once in six months.she doesn't take any medicines or apply anything at her vagina.we went to doc but he said this happens in the teenage and not to worry.but for her sake I wanted to know the name of drug so she can take in emergency.

Apr 28, 2008, 09:05 AM
How long does she bleed for and where are you from?

Apr 30, 2008, 06:59 AM
how long does she bleed for and where r u from?

It varies sometimes 10 to15 min.bla bla bla... I m from mumbai

May 2, 2008, 02:30 PM
Sorry I mean how long does the blleding last in total. A doctor will only give u drugs to stop it if it last more than 2 weeks

May 2, 2008, 02:40 PM
She might be experiencing the faintness more because of the nutrients she's losing when she bleeds. She may just be losing too much iron. The dr should be able to do a very simple blood test to check her iron levels and if that's the case then she may only require something as an extra iron supplement either daily or maybe just during her period.

If you want to "stop" her period she might consider trying a birth control like seasonal (she'd only have to have her period a few times a year then) or I've heard that sometimes mirena can stop your period and I think I heard that it can last for a few years.

Aug 6, 2008, 06:50 AM
If you are telling mirena as a contrceptive then one of the drug i have is levonorgestrol which is also a contraceptive drug... i want to know whether there is anything like an ointment or something like a capsule which she can insert in her vagina to stop the bleeding... reply..

she might be experiencing the faintness more because of the nutrients she's losing when she bleeds. she may just be losing too much iron. the dr should be able to do a very simple blood test to check her iron levels and if thats the case then she may only require something as an extra iron supplement either daily or maybe just during her period.

if you want to "stop" her period she might consider trying a birth control like seasonal (she'd only have to have her period a few times a year then) or i've heard that sometimes mirena can stop your period and i think i heard that it can last for a few years.

Aug 31, 2008, 05:54 PM
Yes, mirena is a contraceptive. But its different from the pill, which is what I believe levongestrol is, right? I've never used mirena personally. But what I've read from both person accounts and medical pamphlets is that it's (someone correct me if I'm thinking of the other similar device) a very tiny metal thing that the doctors insert. It releases hormones which in most cases eventually "stops" her period. If she take a pill, unless its seasonnel (sp?), she'll get her period every month. But that still might not be a bad option because usually being on the pill makes periods shorter and lighter, or at least in many cases. In any case though, take her back to the doctors. As far as I know though, there is no ointment or anything that can stop menstrual bleeding.