View Full Version : Vertigo And nauseas

Apr 21, 2008, 01:22 PM
This morning I had a cup of sugarless green tea after eating some food. Some minutes after I felt a heavyness come over me like I was hynpnotised. ( I was listening to a mini sample, but I'm sure it wasn't enough to take effect). I then felt really sick and cold sweatin only on my face. I was so nauseas and the room was totally spinning out of control, especially when I went t0 lie down. I just woke up from sleeping and feel much better but I feel slight tension in my head now.. Is this a disease or something? Could wisdom teeth cause this, because one of the bottom teeth just (today) started coming out and already has slight discomfort as the gum is a little swollen!
Any advise? I'm scared...

Apr 21, 2008, 05:39 PM
Does sugarless mean N0 sweeteners (Splenda, Equal, Sweet 'n low, sucrose... )?
Some people have reactions to artificial sweeteners and other additives and preservatives.
I can't eat stuff with MSG or I get that heavy feeling and really weak almost feel paralyzed.

Here is an article on aspartame.
Truth About Aspartame -It is POISON!!! (http://www.lovethetruth.com/truth_about_aspartame.htm)

Apr 22, 2008, 09:17 AM
Does sugarless mean N0 sweeteners (Splenda, Equal, Sweet 'n low, sucrose...)?
Some people have reactions to artifical sweeteners and other additives and preservatives.
I can't eat stuff with MSG or I get that heavy feeling and really weak almost feel paralyzed.

Here is an article on aspartame.
Truth About Aspartame -It is POISON!!! (http://www.lovethetruth.com/truth_about_aspartame.htm)

Absolutely No sweeteners, all natural for the best benefits you know...

Apr 22, 2008, 03:19 PM
I don't know what it could be. I get like that occasionally. I try taking B complex when I do.
I am starting to try and buy natural and organic as much as possible because any more they can list chemicals as artificial flavoring and you have no idea what you are eating. They are cloning meat and produce now too.