View Full Version : Hours of Sleep

Apr 20, 2008, 11:47 PM
So I was foolish and went to bed at like 6 and 3am 2 nights in a row. I then got sick :( Last night I went to bed at 11:30pm I don't know when I actually fell asleep but it sometimes takes me a while. I woke up at 4am for some reason and then went back to bed and awoke at 7 am. I decided to get up then. Normally I get 6 hours of sleep. How do I increase that to 7 or 8hrs of continuous sleep. I have always had sleep trouble but I want to get what you are suppose to-8-9hrs. Thanks

Apr 21, 2008, 02:34 AM
Everyone needs different amounts of sleep. Some people can function easily on 4 others need 10. Saying you are supposed to get 8-9 hours of sleep is like saying all women must be 5'5" because that is the average height. That is of course ridiculous as everybody is different.

As long as you get enough sleep in order to not feel tired during the day that is the right amount for you.

If you feel the quality of sleep you are getting is not adequate then visit your doctor to rule out any underlying condition which may be affecting it. Although it does seem that you do not have a sleep routine which will affect how well you can sleep. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time everyday (even the weekends) and see if your sleep improves.

Have a look at this site for other tips to improve your sleeping habits
Sleep Hygiene (http://www.umm.edu/sleep/sleep_hyg.htm)

Apr 21, 2008, 02:44 PM
Hey thanks :D I went to bed last night at 12 but fell asleep around 2 and woke up at 8/9ish and got up and I feel fine. I guess your right. I've just grown up where they tell us that you MUST get 8-9hrs of sleep. I guess I am different because I function fine w/ 6 hours of sleep, and unlike a lot of people and college kids here I don't even take caffenine pills or drink coffee or energy drinks. I'm glad I have that extra energy lol, thanks

Apr 21, 2008, 03:16 PM
First I guess why are you going to bed so late, do you work 2nd shift?

What is your habits, do you rest ( sit and relax) before bedtime, read, relax, something, Also do you do any relax, meditation, prayer, some way to relax the mind.

Apr 22, 2008, 02:31 AM
I'm exactly that same, I feel your pain, haha! Its 4:30 a.m. now, grrr... Oh well, things that have worked for me are to stay up all the next day, NO NAPS, so basically you are awake for like 20 or so hrs straight, so only do this on your days off!! Then go to sleep around 11 or so that night the way you should in order to get however many hrs of sleep you think you will need (7-8 or so). This will reset your sleep pattern, and then just continue going to bed at the same time every night and getting up around the same time.

NAPS are the enemy of a good sleep pattern, but MY BEST FRIEND, haha.