View Full Version : I'm 14 and pregnant

Apr 10, 2008, 05:25 AM
HI my name is sophie... im as you know 14 and expecting. Me and my mom are tryng to make it through and its very hard although I know the pain she's going through is very tough and embarrising. It hurts me knowing how bad she's suffuring through this situation.

My baby's father is 13 and we, as you can tell ,cant get a job. We argue everyday trying to figure out what we have left to do and to figure out. Our parents although are helping us with the financial problems.

I go through stress everyday trying to make sure things are in good hands before this little one is born. Also I am still in school and are staying in school but as you all know school is hard to get through as it is, can you expect the criticism I have to hear everyday? And I can't be embarrised. It hurts me to know that nobody understands this situation... do u?

My questions I would like answered are:
Im 5 months but are having symptoms of 6and 7 months why is that?
How do I get a job if I'm pregnant and so far along?
What would you do if you were in my situation?

Apr 10, 2008, 05:34 AM
Icegrl, I am really pleased that you are carrying on with your pregnancy and I know it must be hard at your age, let alone going to school every day. I applaud your determination !

I don't know what you mean by symptoms of 6 or 7 months and you are only 5 months. You haven't got long to go and as for work, don't even think of finding a job in your condition. Save all your strength for you and your baby coming.

Your mom is wonderful sticking by you, give her lots of hugs.

Apr 10, 2008, 06:03 AM
Chances are at your age (and in your condition) you will not be able to get a job. You are eligible for an ADC grant (Aid to Dependent Children - welfare assistance) because you are expecting. Check with your Health and Human Services Department, apply for EVERYTHING whether you think you qualify or not!! You will also be able to get WIC and will probably be eligible for other assistance including child care if it is not available through a program with your school (some alternative schools do have child care facilities).
Getting set up with social services will help with any medical needs and some financial needs. Some people have an issue or place a stigma on getting welfare assistance, but that is what it is there for, particularly in situations like this.
It sounds like despite a difficult situation that came from NOT using your best judgement, you are attempting to use your head and do right by your child and your family. Hang in there, it will get really tough, but you have the support of your family and there is help out there for you.

Best of luck...

Apr 10, 2008, 06:04 AM
Don't think that you or your boyfriend can't get a job at 13/14. At 13, I had a paper route and kept it for a year. I made some decent money with that. I think it is rather lazy to say that neither of you can't get a job because you CAN!

Mow lawns
House cleaning
Animal Sit

Apr 22, 2008, 01:51 AM
With adult actions comes adult responsibilities, that being said I am 21 and wouldn't want to be in your shoes to save the world. I applaud you for trying, but I agree with what Beautiful says, you made the baby, now you and your boyfriend have to take care of it.

There are a million things young people can do to get money now days. Mowing lawns is a major "business" around where I live and you can get up to $50 a yard by mowing/weed eating/ and cutting hedges. (I'm referring to your boyfriend getting the job not you, haha!) If you really wanted to get a job, you can ask some of your friends or family friends if they needed some house work done, or if they need a babysitter (This would be great experience also!) After the birth, you need to get your butt on the pavement, and start looking seriously for some sort of "teenage" money making schemes. All of the jobs Beautiful are perfect for someone in your shoes and can be combined to produce even more income.

Next thing is to run to every salvation army, etc. that you can find to get all of your baby's clothes, bedding, and such. There is no shame in admitting that you need help, and in your situation shame should not be an issue. Welfare is a beautiful thing when it is used the proper way, and that is helping those that cannot help themselves: BABIES!

As for your symptoms, tests and Drs are not 100% accurate at times, and your baby may be further along than you think, so be prepared to go into labor early and such! BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!