View Full Version : Ultrasonic pest contollers

Apr 8, 2008, 03:40 AM
I have seen ultrasonic pest controllers advertised online. They seem like a scam to me. There have been testimonials both good and bad. Has anyone actually purchased them and if so, do they work? I have a mouse problem in my attached garage and also in my basement. It is driving me NUTS! :eek:

Apr 8, 2008, 05:11 AM
Hi, Winky,I don't know about ultrasonic pest controllers, I have seen them advertised and done some reading about them and they appear to be a bit of a scam I would say.

My two cats, though, keep the mouse population down around here and they also double as very good pets, don't eat much in the summer and provide endless hours of entertainment in the evening. I live in a semi rural area so the little gray things are plentiful.

Apr 12, 2008, 07:00 AM
They haven't helped me. I have trouble with ants, gnats (coming from my house plants, unfortunately) and I get the occasional mouse or two or three in the winter. I wouldn't waste your money. Those sticky traps work pretty well. Good luck. I fee for you. Mice suck!

Apr 12, 2008, 02:01 PM
I have been doing pest control for 17 years and I have known people who have purchased those ultrasonic things and then we still end up back at their house. Don't waste your money. Like the other person wrote just use sticky traps or your traditional snap traps with peanut butter. Make sure not to put allot of peanut butter on the trigger just enough so it has the smell of peanut butter on it. Place the trap trigger side to a wall and leave it be check next day and you should have your mouse or mice.