View Full Version : John Deere lx280 noise

Apr 7, 2008, 05:21 PM
My tractor engine runs great, the mower drives great and the blades engage great... but as soon as I lower the mowing deck with the foot pedal, a loud ringing sound starts to come out, but as soon as I raise the deck back up, or as soon as I hit the brake pedal it stops. I'm very confused, especially to why the brake pedal would also stop this. If I disconnect the mowing deck this sound never happens or if I leave it up all the way and run it. Even if I lower it a half inch it happens, and the more throttle I give it the louder it goes.

Can anyone please explain this to me



Apr 7, 2008, 07:59 PM
Could be a loose brake on the spindle assemblies.