View Full Version : Having a momma boy as a boyfriend?

Apr 6, 2008, 05:52 PM
I been dating this guy about 2yrs now I started to notice thing like he is so close to his mother and he is 24 yrs old and he tell his mother everything going on our relationship and he ask his mother to do everything like cook, washes his clothes. I get so :mad: because that my jobs not his mother. She call him all the time asking him where he at. I feel that is three people in the relationship. What should I do move on or just stay in relationship and try to work it out

Apr 6, 2008, 05:56 PM
I'm in the same position as you are.. and now we have a son, its difficult cause he won't move in with us cause he doesn't want to leave his mom alone, so we don't talk too much anymore cause I can't stand that we (me and my son) are not his #1 prority, my advice is talk to him first about it and if it doesn't go well than don't get yourself sstuck where I am

Apr 6, 2008, 06:46 PM
You say you've been dating for about 2 years... so did you just notice this? You're only dating, so it's not your "job" to cook for him and wash his clothes. He should be doing these things for himself. You have to ask yourself where you think this relationship could go-- not just if he backs away from his mother. Do you think if he backs away, he's going to suddenly become responsible? The answer to that will have a huge bearing on the future of your relationship. Do you want to be with a man that you have to "baby"? I don't.