View Full Version : Unable to Articulate my thoughts clearly

Apr 4, 2008, 10:44 AM
Not sure if any of you have experienced this problem and how can I get over it. The problem is that I am a professional at the age of 27 working in a high profile company and can not clearly and completely articulate my thoughts. My thoughts are wonderful in my mind but I articulate them in a horrible way where people get a little confused sometimes and don't get it from the first time. When I walk out of a meeting it eats me up that I did not say everything I was thinking about and sometimes I drop important parts of the story which could have won me a business deal or a negotiation.

Please share me your thoughts and way to help me express my in an organized, clear manner and most importanly say all the GOOD THOUGHTS I HAD IN MIND!!


Apr 5, 2008, 05:18 AM
Are you able to put your thoughts down on paper clearly?
Perhaps trying to have notes or a some kind of visual presentations or aids handy would ease your troubles. Trying to prepare yourself as much as possible before all meetings (preplanning what topics might come up and what you might say) Is this a problem you have had since you were in high school and college or a new problem that arose when you started your career?

Apr 5, 2008, 08:20 AM
Thank you 2008chrissyfor the great tips,

On paper, yes I can. But you know in life and business, it is not always possible to have your notes handy. I am not sure if I had this problem for long. The more I grew up and the more I needed to deliver important messages, the more I realized I lack this skill. It will be great if any one can suggest any good materials I can use to improve this skill..

Thanks all.